Hi everybody,
Paniagua explanation and solution worked very good! Thank you a lot!
I got the code to what I need.
As Paniagua said, I was losing row.names when I merged a data.frame
with a factor object. Instead of merging data1 to data2$color, I
merged it to data2["color"]. It preserves row.names.
When I do:
d1 <- merge(data1, data2["color"], by=0, all.x=T)
It creates a new variable on column 1, with the original row.names, so
I have to transform this data.frame in a new one, using this variable
as the row.names:
d2 <- data.frame(d1, row.names=1)
It does the job, but row.names are not in the same order as in data1,
so I reorder it:
And it gives me the dataframe data1, binded to the new variable color,
with the NAs in the proper position.
Thank you all!
Joao D.
Em 07/10/2011, ?s 20:36, Paniagua, Eric escreveu:
> Hi Joao,
> To save space, I'm not going to paste the data frames in. Just
> start a session, run your original code, and then try out the
> commands below.
> The problem is a simple type confusion. If you check the class of
> data2$color, you'll see it's not a data frame:
>> class(data2$color)
> [1] "factor"
> The problem is that a factor is not a data frame, but merge expects
> data frames as arguments. If either one is not a data frame, merge
> will coerce the type if possible. In this case, that means that
> passing data2$color to merge is equivalent to this:
>> merge(data1, as.data.frame(data2$color), by=0, all.x=T)
> If you inspect the coerced version of the argument, you'll see that
> new row names have been assigned during coercion. Well, technically
> not "new" ones because a factor does not have row names. In other
> words, the row names were lost when you used the '$'. Just run the
> following to see:
>> data2$color
>> as.data.frame(data2$color)
> The solution is to just subset the data frame instead of pulling out
> the factor. If you replace data2$color in your code with
> data2["color"], your code behaves as intended.
> A good first clue in discovering this issue is the fact that in your
> original code, you end up in the <na> elements all at the bottom,
> rows 16-20, every time. The odds of this specific arrangement
> happening any one particular time are 1 in 15504, or about
> 0.00645%. Coincidentally, the 15 non <na> values are occupying rows
> 1-15, making the hypothesis that your rows are being relabeled
> somewhere along the way much more probable. And, in this case,
> correct.
> Underlying that insight or intuition is the much more general
> debugging approach of actually checking and looking at every
> intermediate value in your computation that you can. And, of
> course, reading the documentation :)
> For instance, check out the class and value of data2["color"]:
>> class(data2["color"])
> [1] "data.frame"
> You can also see that data2["color"] preserves the row names:
>> data2["color"]
> You can try this to verify that with my solution the values work out
> correctly (though I'm sure there's a better way to do it directly in
> R):
>> data3 <- merge(data1, data2["color"], by=0, all.x=T)
>> data3
>> data4 <- data.frame(data3, row.names=1)
>> data4
>> data4[row.names(data1),]
>> data5 <- merge(data1, data4, by=0)
>> data5
>> data6 <- data.frame(data5, row.names=1)
>> data6
>> data6[row.names(data1),]
> (Of course, I'm using way more variables there than are required for
> the computation. Consider their addition as purely didactic.)
> Anyway, I hope that helps! Happy scripting.
> Best,
> Eric
> ________________________________________
> From: bioconductor-bounces at r-project.org [bioconductor-bounces at
> ] on behalf of Jo?o Daniel Nunes Duarte [jdanielnd at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 6:32 PM
> Subject: [BioC] Merge dataframes
> Hello,
> I am having some problems to use the 'merge' function. I'm not sure
> if I got
> its working right.
> What I want to do is:
> 1) Suppose I have a dataframe like:
> height width
> 1 1.1 2.3
> 2 2.1 2.5
> 3 1.8 1.9
> 4 1.6 2.1
> 5 1.8 2.4
> 2) And I generate a second dataframe sampled from this one, like:
> height width
> 1 1.1 2.3
> 3 1.8 1.9
> 5 1.8 2.4
> 3) Next, I add a new variable from this dataframe:
> height width color
> 1 1.1 2.3 red
> 3 1.8 1.9 red
> 5 1.8 2.4 blue
> 4) So, I want to merge those dataframes, so that the new variable,
> color, is
> binded to the first dataframe. Of course some cases won't have value
> for it,
> since I generated this variable in a smaller dataframe. In those
> cases I
> want the value to be NA. The result dataframe should be:
> height width color
> 1 1.1 2.3 red
> 2 2.1 2.5 NA
> 3 1.8 1.9 red
> 4 1.6 2.1 NA
> 5 1.8 2.4 blue
> I have written some codes, but they're not working properly. The new
> variable has its values mixed up, and they do not correspond to its
> row.names.
> # Generate the first dataframe
> data1 <- data.frame(height=rnorm(20,3,0.2),width=rnorm(20,2,0.5))
> # Sample a smaller dataframe from data1
> data2 <- data1[sample(1:20,15,replace=F),]
> # Generate the new variable
> color <- sample(c("red","blue"),15,replace=T)
> # Bind the new variable to data2
> data2 <- cbind(data2, color)
> # Merge the data1 and data2$color by row.names, and force it to has
> the same
> values that data1. Next it generates a new dataframe where column 1
> is the
> row.name, and then sort it by the row.name from data1.
> data.frame(merge(data1,data2$color, by=0,
> all.x=T),row.names=1)[row.names(data1),]
> I'm not sure what am I doing wrong. Can anyone see where the mistake
> is?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Joao D.
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