I have two questions about exporting data out of R:
(1) how to catch and export the result of the following commond
I want to look at the original data of individual probe before any
modification (basically the data of PM probe in affy Cel file combined
with Probe ID)
(2) how to combine the data (rmaData) with the mas5 flag calls
(Dataflag) and export them together after using the following command
>Data <-ReadAffy()
Thank you very much.
To 'catch' data, you have to assign them to a variable name.
my.pm.data <- pm(Data)
To export, see ?write.table
To combine rma expression values and mas5 flag calls you can either
cbind the two matrices and export together or export and then combine
Excel or whatever you are using.
See ?cbind
James W. MacDonald
Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core
University of Michigan Cancer Center
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
7410 CCGC
Ann Arbor MI 48109
>>> "Lizhe Xu" <lxu@chnola-research.org> 03/16/04 1:17 PM >>>
I have two questions about exporting data out of R:
(1) how to catch and export the result of the following commond
I want to look at the original data of individual probe before any
modification (basically the data of PM probe in affy Cel file combined
with Probe ID)
(2) how to combine the data (rmaData) with the mas5 flag calls
(Dataflag) and export them together after using the following command
>Data <-ReadAffy()
Thank you very much.
Bioconductor mailing list
I did this a while ago and found that if you simply export the
pm values you get it in a format that has too many columns for
excel. The following works (not sure if its the most efficient).
It returns a list of all the affy IDS followed by the 11 values
for pm in one file and mm in another (If you have a different size
probeset just change [1:11]. To use it you have to create a new
folder and then create a subfolder containing each single CEL file
(and list these in the dirs line below). Set the first of these dirs
as the working directory and then run the following script. Beware
though as it takes at least 5min per CEL file on my machine.
#set dirs - modify to your directory names
dirs <- c("C:../C24A","C:../C24ACC")
for(j in dirs) { setwd(j)
data <- ReadAffy()
#pm data extraction
gn <- geneNames(data)
pmdatatable <- matrix(nrow=length(gn),ncol=11,byrow=T)
for(i in 1:length(gn)){ pmdatatable[i,]<-pm(data,gn[i])[1:11] }
#join genenames as labels on pmdatatable and write to file
pmdata<- cbind(gn, pmdatatable)
write.table(pmdata, file="pmdata.txt")
#then for mm values
mmdatatable <- matrix(nrow=length(gn),ncol=11,byrow=T)
for(i in 1:length(gn)){ mmdatatable[i,]<-mm(data,gn[i])[1:11] }
mmdata<- cbind(gn, mmdatatable)
write.table(mmdata, file="mmdata.txt")