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Divya, D.
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I want to do the GO analysis for Arabidopsis using GOseq package. From
the PDF I understood that the package relies on the UCSC genome
browser to extract information regarding gene length, GO category. But
UCSC genome browser has information about animal kingdom and I am
unable to add Arabidopsis genome information which is available from
I have used "org.At.tair.db<http: www.bioconductor.org="" packages="" relea="" se="" data="" annotation="" html="" org.at.tair.db.html="">" but this doesn't add
information regarding gene length. I also looked at the "genomic
Feature" to add gene length but this also relies on UCSC browser.
Kindly guide me to analyse RNA seq data for Arabidopsis genome.
Waiting in anticipation,
Divya Vashisht
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