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Sonika Tyagi
Last seen 8.8 years ago
Hi there,
I am analysing RNAseq counts using edgeR package. But I am running
into problems because of 'zero' counts for certain tags in my data.
The code syntax I am using is here:
> targets <- read.delim(file = "Targets.txt", stringsAsFactors =
> targets
files group description
1 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw control something
2 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw control something
3 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw Hi_Pos something
4 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw Hi_Pos something
5 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw control something
6 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw control something
7 ................
d <- readDGE(targets, skip = 0, comment.char = "#")
An object of class "DGEList"
files group description lib.size
1 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw control something 498180513 1
2 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw control something 483775405 1
3 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw Hi_Pos something 368609647 1
4 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw Hi_Pos something 617334315 1
5 Sample_xx_count.txt.raw control something 678060765 1
13 more rows ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Tag1 15923 20323 14867 23098 32484 17223 51579 29578 17408 24097
34470 31964 17583 17583 39460 0 30359 25416
Tag2 700 600 200 695 500 1300 1425 1775 700 1974
1300 2371 900 900 1689 0 898 1690
Tag3 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 100 0 100 0
Tag4 74008 58753 51648 65233 93828 71047 117340 90551 55000 70124
121393 86106 46197 46197 127290 0 98369 79673
Tag5 19868 19385 25500 31215 56684 24096 51265 37492 27420 24496
32729 24722 24913 24913 50448 0 39755 55829
21887 more rows ...
d <- calcNormFactors(d)
Error in quantile.default(x, p = q) :
missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE
Could someone please suggest how to handle the missing values with
edgeR normalisation methods ?
Thank you
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.12.2 (2011-02-25)
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Australia.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_Australia.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=English_Australia.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] edgeR_2.0.5 svIDE_0.9-50
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] limma_3.6.9 svMisc_0.9-61 tcltk_2.12.2 tools_2.12.2
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