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I am trying to write code to access some of the KEGG API functions
that are
not available in KEGGSOAP using SSOAP. I have figured out how to
access the
basic KEGG API functions such as list_organisms, list_pathways, etc.
believe I have a problem when the function expects the input in the
form of
a SSOAP object like an ArrayofInt or ArrayofStrings. For instance,
when I
run the code that should call mark_objects_by_pathways I get an error
regarding the element_id_list object along the lines of can't use
string as
an array ref when strict refs is in place. I assume this is because
input variable is the wrong class or I need extra handling to convert
input into the correct class. I can't get under the hood of the
function to see how they deal with this problem because I don't know
hwo to
access KEGGaction, or KEGG name spcaes defined in .first.lib. My real
is to define the KEGG elements according to which genes are associated
each element and then color the pathway by the expression values of
genes in each element. I run into this problem when I try to color by
Mike Gormley
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