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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello Everyone!
I'm now working with my expression microarray data by limma to detect
differential expression probes. I have biology as my knowledge
background ,not statistics, so I'm confused with the design matrix and
contrast matrix in the limma usersguide. now i have read the target
as follows:
SlideNumber FileName Cy3 Cy5
1 1 15_1_3.txt BI BM
2 2 15_1_4.txt BM BI
3 3 18_1_2.txt BI2 BM2
4 4 18_1_3.txt BM2 BI2
5 5 16_1_1.txt BE2 BM2
6 6 16_1_2.txt BM2 BE2
because there is no connection from BI(or BM) to the other samples,
dose that mean I have to contrast the differences(BI-BM, BI2-BM2,
BE2-BM2, BE2-BI2) separately?
Though I read the linear models and Empirical Bayes Methods theory
carefully, I only know little. I wonder It is proper to detect
differential expression by limma when there are only two replicates?
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