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Alberto Goldoni
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
i'm analyzing agilent microarrays with the "rgug4130a.db" database and
using the function:"topTable(fit2,number=500,adjust="BH")" i have
obtained 500 genes like these:
Row Col ProbeUID ControlType ProbeName
GeneName SystematicName Description X.hda.str...ref.
X.ref.str...ref. X.hda.str...ref.str. AveExpr F
P.Value adj.P.Val
16096 79 38 15309 0 A_43_P10328 CB606456
CB606456 unknown
function 3.988290607 -0.951656306 4.939946913
10.29735936 36.77263264 0.000212298 0.641094595
8109 40 109 7609 0 A_42_P552092 203358_Rn
203358_Rn Rat c-fos
mRNA. 5.670956889 4.413365374 1.257591514 13.47699544
33.20342601 0.000292278 0.641094595
but as you can see most genes like the first one - CB606456 - in the
DESCRPTION there is written "unknown function".
So i have performed a very simply search.
1) First in ENSAMBLE using the GeneName "CB606456" with the "Locations
of DnaAlignFeature" it gives to me the Genomic location(strand): chr
2) Then in the Rat Genome Database
(http://rgd.mcw.edu/tools/genes/genes_view.cgi?id=735058) i have found
that in this position there is one gene:
735058 GENE Angptl4 angiopoietin-like 4 7 16261623
so the question is why in the "rgug4130a.db" database the R system
gives to me "unknown function" when using the genomic location in
ensamble and then in rgd it gives to me the Angptl4 gene!
and there is a function in order to do to R to perform this kind of
search automatically? (this why in my 500 genes there are 100 "unknow
function" genes and it will be interesting to have a function that
perform this kind of search automatically).
Best regards to all and to whom answer to me.
Dr. Alberto Goldoni
Parma, Italy