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UnASM Lab_bi
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear all,
Can anyone explain me why in the Arabidopsis annotation package
'ath1121501.db' there are no Entrez.Gene IDs, while in the other
they are present.
It creates me the problem as I need to realize an analysis of the
from a microarray chip using GOstats, e.g. hypergeometric test. For
this I
need to create a 'GOHyperGParams' object, which has as the argument
the name
of the annotation package, from which it takes the data regarding
Entrez.Gene.Ids and correspondent GO annotation. Once Entrez is not
it returns me the following error
ïÛÉÂËÁ × getUniverseHelper(probes, datPkg, entrezIds) :
After filtering, there are no valid IDs that can be used as the Gene
Check input values to confirm they are the same type as the central ID
by your annotation package.
For chip packages, this will still mean the central GENE identifier
used by
the package (NOT the probe IDs).
for creating the 'universeGeneIds' I used Entrez Ids from the whole
but I got them from NetAffx, because I couldnot from 'ath1121501.db' .
Also, I consulted the "Bioconductor Case Studies" book, where all the
examples are for 'hgu95av2.db', which contains the posibility to
Please, let me know anyone if I am wrong in something, or what can I
do. If
there is another possibility to use an alternative of GOstats for the
aim of
performing hypergeometric test.
Alex from Moldova
Laboratorul Bioinformatica
Centrul Biologe Moleculara
Universitatea Academiei de Stiinte din Moldova
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