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Wei Shi <shi at="" ...=""> writes:
> Hi Prasad:
> I had a close look at one of the datasets:
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?
> . The header information in this page is:
> #ID_REF =
> #VALUE = Quantile, subtract background
> #1690411024_A.Detection Pval =
> It looks like they performed quantile normalization to the data but
subtracted probe intensities by
> the background intensity. The negative values in the table seemed to
from the "subtract
> background" step. However, it is unclear how the data was analyzed
at all.
> I would suggest you to contact the authors who generated these data.
might be the easiest and quickest
> way to get around this issue and get the data you want.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Wei
Dear Wei,
Thank you very much for the information. Do you think the data is log2
transformed? I can't transform because of negative values (My original
Can you please answer my question I posted today with subject "limma
complex contrast matrix" on 011-04-07 17:05:59 GMT