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Seraya Maouche
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear Prof Gordon, dear Bioconductor members,
I have performed gene expression analysis using Limma (Illumina human
ref8) comparing two types of cells (referred below as cond1 and
Based on detection call, I filtered out transcripts which are absent
both types of cells. Transcripts which were expressed only in one cell
type were included in the analysis.
I have received the comment below from a reviewer who seems not agree
calculate fold change for genes expressed only in one condition. Would
it be possible to have your opinion about this.
Thank you in advance for your time,
S Maouche
"There is a little conceptual difficulty related to the cond1/cond2
comparisons for genes that are considered not detected. If a gene
product is absent (0) in one cell then no fold change can be computed
(table 2). I don?t know how to circumvent this difficult except by
saying that the ?noise? is considered to reflect low expression. The
terms ?not detected? and ?not expressed? are often used
while this is not the same. Detection is based on the definition
and in many places of the manuscript it should be used in place of
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Rechtsf?hige Anstalt des ?ffentlichen Rechts der
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