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Last seen 10.5 years ago
I am trying to make annotation package for my array platform using
AnnotationDbi package. I prepared txt file that links customID and
unigene. The table I am trying to import here has only 2 columns; one
is gene id (CLIGG_00001) and the other is unigene id (Gga.1). I tried
all I could google out and many as.character or bimap options...Here
is the R output:
> setwd("/home/dana/MICROARRAY/Results/Pancreas")
> dir()
[1] "GGal_ID_UG.txt"
> library(AnnotationDbi)
> GGal_ID=read.table(as.character("GGal_ID_UG.txt", sep = "\t", header
= FALSE, as.is = TRUE))
> mode(GGal_ID)
[1] "list"
> class(GGal_ID)
[1] "data.frame"
> #
> #
> ls()
[1] "GGal_ID"
> head (GGal_ID)
V1 V2
1 CLIGG_00001 Gga.1
2 CLIGG_00002 Gga.3
3 CLIGG_00003 Gga.4
4 CLIGG_00004 Gga.5
5 CLIGG_00005 Gga.6
6 CLIGG_00006 Gga.6
> available.db0pkgs()
[1] "anopheles.db0" "arabidopsis.db0" "bovine.db0" "canine.db0"
[5] "chicken.db0" "chimp.db0" "ecoliK12.db0"
[9] "fly.db0" "human.db0" "malaria.db0" "mouse.db0"
[13] "pig.db0" "rat.db0" "rhesus.db0" "worm.db0"
[17] "xenopus.db0" "yeast.db0" "zebrafish.db0"
> library(chicken.db0)
> myMeta = c("DBSCHEMA"="CHICKENCHIP_DB", "ORGANISM"="Gallus gallus",
"SPECIES"="Chicken", "MANUFACTURER"="NimbleGen",
> populateDB("CHICKENCHIP_DB", affy = FALSE, prefix = "GGal", fileName
= GGal_ID, metaDataSrc = myMeta, baseMapType = "ug")
Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
quote, :
'file' must be a character string or connection
How to import my table (GGal_ID_UG.txt) as a character string or
connection? Is there a simple code to get from my own txt file to a
annotation package?
Thanks in advance for posting a reply.
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