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Hi everybody,
I have a problem working with GO annotations.
I would like to group my data according to their GO categories, but
only of
one level.
I have a data.frame (three columns: WT, mutation, mean(WT/mutation)
and ca.
3150 rows)
row.names mut WT WT_mut
1737_Sepsecs 0.6924728 0.00728067 95.111137
1478_Ube2m 4.6102070 0.11428570 40.339316
2807_Pla2g4c 1.7234250 0.04276977 40.295400
2361_Trmt5 1.0203870 0.03652034 27.940238
I also have the GO categories for each of this rows( the names are MGI
symbols from the mouse genome).
Unfortunately I have ALL the GO annotations. I would like to filter
according to the GO categories of a specific level(!). It doesn't
whether 'MF', 'BP' or 'CC' yet.
But I couldn't find anywhere a way of extracting just that.
I would like to know whether there is a way of extracting GO
annotations of
a specific level from the GO annotation package.
Thanks in advance
Assa Yeroslaviz
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