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Hi Arnar,
Wei Shi and I have checked out our own HT-12 v4 data, and we do not
the bimodal distribution that you have observed. So we think that
might be a property of your data rather than a property of HT-12 v4
BeadChips in general.
Note that we are now recommending the neqc() function of the limma
for background correcting and normalizing Illumina arrays. This is a
modication of the normexp algorithm to use negative control probe
estimates. See ?neqc and the Illumina case study in the limma User's
Guide. This function will not be very sensitive to the shape of the
distribution of the negative controls.
Best wishes
------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE -------
[BioC] Distribution of negative controls on Illumina HT12-v4 chips
(double background?)
Arnar Flatberg arnar.flatberg at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 15:46:45 CET 2011
Hi list,
We have recently seen an odd distribution of signal intensities using
new version 4 HT-12 chips. Specifically, the distribution of negative
controls looks like a mixture of two gaussians. This invalidates the
common assumption of normal distributed background used in both the
detection calls and some error-model based normalizations, e.g. norm-
in limma. We did not have this type of distribution in version 3 of
nor in any other chip type from Illumina. Has anyone else seen this
particular issue, and specifically on the HT-12 v4 chip?
Below is a link to density plots of the negative control probes of 6
experiments I've compared. The top plots are from a lab in Oslo on the
HT-12 v4, at hte bottom are two experiments from our lab using HT12 v4
a comparison of a Rat v1 chip from our lab.
Arnar Flatberg
Data scientist
Trondheim Genome Resource Center
St. Olav's hospital, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
The information in this email is confidential and
This post was in reply to Distribution of negative controls on Illumina HT12-v4 chips (double background?)