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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi folks,
I have to deal with finding peaks and their widths (for example FWHM -
Full width at half maximum) of a dataset (basically x coordinates and
non-negative values). So far, after searching through forum and
I found turnpoints() function in Pastecs package which can help me to
find the turning points. My algorithm is as followed:
1. get the list of local peaks with certain threshold (max turnpoints
turnpoints function)
2. for each of the found peaks, do two scans using peak's index to
furthest upper/lower points that have values not smaller than half of
that peak. These points will determine the peak's FWHM.
Well, the algorithm is fine, and so far for a small dataset, it runs
fine and give me quite a satisfied result. But the problem is the time
of the scan. Usually the peak finding takes about few minutes for a
of about few million points, but the scan to get FWHM takes like the
whole day, because of its double looping (1st for peak loop, 2nd for
each peak).
I thougth using array / matrix will help improve the speed much
so anybody has any other idea/suggestions? Or any one know packages
can help my task?
Thanks a lot,