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Kate Turner
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I am trying to build an info package for a NimbleGen Tiling array. The
experiment is a dye swap, so I have a pair of xys files for each
sample. The
array is custom built.
I have:
1. xys files generated from pair files by Nimblescan.
2. An ndf file
3. A pos file.
The pos file wasn't generated by NimbleGen. I had to generate it
myself and
used a pos file I found on line as an example. I saved my file as a
delimited txt and changed the .txt to .pos in Aquamacs.
When I try and generate the annotation package I get the following
Building annotation package for Nimblegen Tiling Array
NDF: 101219_HG_Orion_SS_CGH.ndf
XYS: 467246_Slot2_Cycle1_Orion_2011-02-07_532.xys
Parsing file: 101219_HG_Orion_SS_CGH.ndf... OK
Parsing file: NDF_OGHA.pos... OK
Merging NDF and POS files... OK
Parsing file: 467246_Slot2_Cycle1_Orion_2011-02-07_532.xys... OK
Creating package in
Inserting 2 rows into table featureSet... OK
Inserting 0 rows into table pmfeature... Error in
statement, bind.data) :
bind.data must have non-zero dimensions
The above error message suggests that the program is having issues
the featureSet, pmfeature and bgfeature. I have generated an
package for a custom built expression array and that was successful.
In the
case of the expression annotation package there were >1000 rows in all
tables associated with the build.
In the output associated with the expression array annotation package,
ndf and the xys files were merged. I am wondering if the xys file for
tiling array should also be merged to the tiling array ndf and pos
The global structure of my ndf and xys files for the tiling array are
similar to those for the expression array. Additionally the structure
of the
xys looks similar to that in the post by Alex Rodriquez in Feb. 2010,
so I
am assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that it isn't the xys or the ndf
that are
the issue, but the pos file.
In my pos file, I have each feature represented, even if it is
duplicated. I
also have features that do not have a known chromosome position, and
features have a blank for some of their variables in the file. I have
told that NimbleGen pos files donĀ¹t have to have the same number of
found on the array itself.
Does anyone know if pdInfoBuilder expects a particular structure for a
file. For instance, does there need to be 1 row for each feature on
array irrespective of duplication and do blanks need to be annotated
N/A for instance.
I am new to building annotation packages and wondered if someone with
experience could help?
My session info is:
R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] pdInfoBuilder_1.12.0 oligo_1.12.2 oligoClasses_1.10.0
[5] RSQLite_0.9-2 DBI_0.2-5 Biostrings_2.16.9
[9] Biobase_2.8.0
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] affyio_1.16.0 preprocessCore_1.10.0 splines_2.11.1
and output of traceback is:
8: stop("bind.data must have non-zero dimensions")
7: sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, bind.data)
6: sqliteQuickSQL(conn, statement, bind.data, ...)
5: dbGetPreparedQuery(conn, sql_template, bind.data = data)
4: dbGetPreparedQuery(conn, sql_template, bind.data = data)
3: dbInsertDataFrame(conn, "pmfeature", parsedData[["pmFeatures"]],
tiledRegionPmFeatureSchema[["col2type"]], !quiet)
2: makePdInfoPackage(seed, destDir = "/Users/kturner/Desktop/")
1: makePdInfoPackage(seed, destDir = "/Users/kturner/Desktop/")
Many thanks in advance for any help,
Orion Genomics
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