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Karsten Voigt
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear all,
I am currently working on a project where I need to get the exact IDs
probes of a custom Affymetrix Chip in order to merge it with another
list containing the sequence.
I am using this small R script for creating the list:
mitdata <- ReadAffy();
stddata <- apply(pm(mitdata), 2, bg.adjust);
nrmdata <- normalize.quantiles(stddata);
namedata <- probeNames(mitdata);
enddata <- cbind(namedata, nrmdata);
write.table(enddata, file="probesdata.txt",sep="\t");
This is an output example
145 TZG_ARR_0001_x_at 135.115780787133 ...
146 TZG_ARR_0001_x_at 147.346049115501 ...
147 TZG_ARR_0001_x_at 203.840215898533 ...
148 TZG_ARR_0003_x_at 48.7635207480323 ...
As you can see, a number of probes have the same name but refer to
different oligos. The number in front of the row is just added by me,
therefore you can ignore it.
I received a list containing the probe name, a couple of other
information AND the sequence.
This is a part of it:
15 ggagattgtttgtaatcaaaatgaa TGZ_ARR_0001_x ! 2398 0
176 200 + 1
103 gcaaatttacttctaacagctgatc TGZ_ARR_0001_x ! 2398 1
264 288 + 1
188 ttgatgcaactgtaaacaaaagtgg TGZ_ARR_0001_x ! 2398 2
349 373 + 1
15 gatagattcttcaagtaacaatact TGZ_ARR_0003_x ! 2400 0
2046 2070 + 1
This should be the same area.
In this received list, I can identify the unique probes using the 2
numbers right after the exclamation mark, which are referring to the
position on the chip, I guess. How can I extract those coordinates for
my own list? I tried it with indices2xy, however I failed to get it
running since I don't understand how to use this function correctly.
Thanks in advance for all answers,
Karsten Voigt
Karsten Voigt, Msc.
Experimentelle Bioinformatik, Hess Group
University of Freiburg, BIO III
t: 0761-2032708
m: 0176-61110420
e: karsten.voigt at biologie.uni-freiburg.de