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David A.
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi list,
I have a one-color setup with 238 samples and 6 conditions, for a
geneset of just over 400 probes (targeted array). One of the
conditions is control and the rest are experimental conditions. After
normalization using vsn I would like to make a comparison first
between the control and the rest and then between some of the
conditions grouped. Being human samples I can expect great variability
within conditions and thus not many genes coming as significant. But
when I run a limma analysis, for some of the contrasts I get that all
the genes come up significant with large B values and really small
p-values. When doing boxplots of normalized expression values for some
of these genes, the image doesn´t show they are that different, rather
the opposite. Is my parametrization wrong? Are the results strangely
significant because the reduced geneset to be analyzed? Being a
targeted array probably many results should come up as significant,
but I don't think all of them should show up as significant as they do
for many of the contrasts.
here is my code:
> table(myeset$group)
0 1 2 3 4 5
68 60 18 53 6 33
>design <- model.matrix(~0+factor(myeset$group))
>colnames(design) <- c("G0","G1","G2","G3","G4","G5")
>fit <- lmFit(myeset,design)
>contrast.matrix <-
makeContrasts((G1+G2+G3+G4+G5)-G0,(G1+G2+G3+G4)-G0, (G1+G2)-G0,
G1-G2,(G1+G2+G3+G4)-G5, levels = design)
>fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
>fit3 <- ebayes(fit2)
> topTable(fit3,adjust="BH",coef=1)
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
411 VTI2 39.30167 13.08281 149.2822 5.690975e-249 2.356064e-246
315 PI14 38.07841 12.54843 138.1938 1.399494e-240 2.896952e-238
49 CHRM1 35.60063 11.93787 135.3310 2.623964e-238 3.621070e-236
67 DDX32 34.95446 11.61260 132.9274 2.310411e-236 2.391276e-234
144 GI_18044224 35.16818 11.83657 132.1551 9.904483e-236 8.200912e-234
385 TDE1 34.80442 11.65140 131.8907 1.633346e-235 1.127009e-233
136 GI_16878151 35.98769 12.01306 130.9807 9.205817e-235 5.444583e-233
269 MGLL 37.82152 12.80129 129.2519 2.539646e-233 1.168237e-231
120 GI_15559367 37.07777 12.19571 130.4492 1.285421e-233 6.652055e-232
61 CSNK1E 35.45598 11.93302 128.1286 2.243467e-232 9.287953e-231
Thanks for your help
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