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>Dear all,
>I want to use SPIA to analyze expression data for rice (oriza sativa
>osa). There is KEGG's pathway data for rice, but rice is not among
>organism in the extData directory of the SPIA package. Does anyone
>created their own pathway data to give it as input to the function
spia? If
>so, what are the steps one has to follow to get the pathway data in
the list
>format of path.info? As reference, path.info for human can be loaded
into R
>like this: load(file = paste(system.file("extdata/hsaSPIA.RData",
package =
>Thank you!
Hi Lourdes,
The KEGG data on which SPIA runs is provided in the SPIA's /extdata
folder only for a few (most popular) organisms. The package size was
the reason why I do not provide these data for all KEGG organisms.
For the osa organism that you asked about, I made the data available
I plan to make it available for all organisms in KEGG soon.
The parser from KEGG xml files into SPIA's path.info objects for any
organism is not packaged at this point. If you need to parse the xml
files yourself you can take a look the KEGGgraph package that can
provide some help yet it won't be straightforward mainly because a
node in a KEGG signaling pathway is not always made of a single gene.
I hope this helps.
Adi Tarca