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qPCR Platform - the reference in real-t…
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qPCR workshops
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Life Science is still a growing sector and new methods and
technologies are continously developed. Therefore permanent training
and education becomes so important.
With our specific course program we are offering a range of high-
quality course modules to give a general and independent overview of
existing qPCR technologies and systems. Our course issues are based on
skilled know-how from own research studies and publications. Our aim
is to point out a critical way of thinking to increase the quality and
outcome of experimental data.
All BioEPS workshops are based on the MIQE guidelines (Minimum
Information for Publication of Quantitative real-time PCR
Experiments), the first guidelines for quality assurance within qPCR
technology => MIQE.gene-quantification.info http://miqe.gene-
FLYER => http://www.gene-quantification.de/bioeps-flyer-2010.pdf
All courses are held regularly in Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, in
German and English language. Further customized workshops and
specialized trainings will be held as well across Europe and world-
wide. Workshops are powered by BioEPS GmbH http://www.bioeps.com/,
located at the campus of the Technical University of Munich, in
Freising-Weihenstephan, very close to the Munich Airport (MUC).
For more information and registration, please see our web page =>
qPCR Basis Workshop & qPCR Data Processing Modules
qPCR Basis Workshop Module 29 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2010 (3 days)
qPCR Data Processing 2 - 3 Dec. 2010 (2 days)
The course consists of various theoretical and practical parts where
participants get to do qPCR experiments by themselves under
experienced supervision.
About the tutors:
Dr. Michael Pfaffl is one of the leading experts in qRT-PCR and in
qPCR data analysis, specialiced on relative quantification strategies.
He is author of many highly influental publications.
Dr. Martina Reiter is qPCR specialist with focus on experiment setup
and many years of experience in the optimization of qPCR experiments
on vrious qPCR platforms.
Ales Tichopad holds a Ph.D. in life science from the TUM und is a
leading expert in the field of gene-expression data analysis with
several highly influential publications with hundreds of citations.
Day 1:
Basic PCR theory and applications
Detection Chemistry (SYBR Green I, TaqMan, Molecular Beacons...etc)
Different instrument platforms and their typical uses
Primer Design, Probe design and optimization
Basic data handling and analysis
Day 2:
Experimental setup and how it influences qPCR data
Nucleic acid extraction
cDNA synthesis and pre-amplification
Introduction to specific qPCR applications: genotyping, SNP analysis,
Day 3:
Introduction to quantification principles
Quantification strategies and qPCR efficiency
Absolute quantification
Relative quantification
Strategies for normalization of QPCR data
Day 4:
Elementary qPCR data processing
How to process the Cq value to a meaningful expression data. How to
involve reference gene data into the calculation and how to
mathematically correct for the actual amplification efficiency.
Descriptive statistics
How to describe your data with appropriate descriptive statistics. You
will understand how to plot your data and how to present error in
various ways. We will show you how to interpret confidence intervals,
how to construct them and how to decide when to use them.
Principals of inferential statistics:
This lectures cover the principles of statistics, including Gaussian
statistics, the central limit theorem, p values and statistical
hypothesis testing, z-scores, rank-based methods (non-Gaussian),
comparison of two groups (paired and unpaired t-test).
Statistical test
Did you already heard about ANOVA, t-test, Mann Whitney test, Wilcoxon
test, Fisher's exact test and many other tests but you dont know what
they mean? In this lecture we will not only explain how these
frequently used methods work but also when to use them, what are their
advantages and pitfalls. In addition, we will present you methods for
calculating linear regression, outlier detection, missing data
handling, and data scaling. During computer based workshop
participants will learn how to analyze typical real-time PCR data
sets. Examples include identification of outliers, and how to compare
means and variances of paired and unpaired studies.
Day 5:
Experiment design
In this part of the course we will explain you what aspects of
experiment design should be considered in the phase of experiment
planning. Mainly, you will understand the term of error source and its
implication in the calculation of number of replicates. We will show
you our own validation studies performed on various types of tissues
those manifest the need for different experiment design. Eventually,
you will learn how to use software tools to design your experiment
well enough to support your biological hypothesis.
Cluster analysis methods
Methods such as hierarchical clustering, principal component analysis
or neural networks have been receiving increasing awareness in the
field of molecular biology and genetics. In our course we will
introduce all these methods and let our students solve several
practical examples using most up-to-date software tools. You will not
become an innovator in this field of modern statistics, you will
nevertheless be able to interpret correctly resulst produced using
these methods.
Selection of reference genes
In this block, we will show you how to select most suitable reference
genes for your normalization and how to evaluate their effect on the
data accuracy and precision. In the practical part, you will be able
to test the most frequently used algorithms implemented within a user
friendly software.
Gene expression profiling
This lecture cover methods to classify samples and genes and hence
shows the practical application of the above methods in the gene-
expression research and diagnostics. The methods presented include
Principal Component Analysis, Potential Curves, Hierachical
Clustering, Self-Organizing Maps, and Trilinear Decomposition. During
computer based workshops participants will classify metabolic genes in
yeast, developmental stages in Xenopus laevis, Breast cancer data, and
developing stem cells.
Practical Part:
Participants learn to handle data with the software GenEx, InStat and
Download a free GenEx trial version => GenEx.gene-quantification.info
Register here =>
Course dates 2010:
* 8 - 9 November 2010 (E) 2-day microRNA & qPCR (Mon.-Tue.)
* 29 November - 1 December 2010 (E) 3-day qPCR Basic Module (Mon. -
* 2 - 3 December 2010 (E) 2-day Experiment Design & qPCR data
processing (Thu. - Fri.)
* 17 -19 Janurary 2011 (E) 3-day qPCR Basic Module (Mon. - Wed.)
* 21 - 23 February 2011 (E) 3-day qPCR Basic Module (Mon. - Wed.)
* 28 February - 2 March 2011 (E) 3-day single-cell qPCR Module
(Mon. - Wed.)
Download course brochure 2010 http://www.gene-quantification.de
In our workshop GenEx software will be used for data analysis
GenEx offers advanced methods to analyze real-time qPCR data with
simple clicks of the mouse.
GenEx is the leading software for processing and analysis of qPCR
data. It provides a multitude of functionalities for the qPCR
community, ranging from basic data editing and management to cutting-
edge data analysis.
Near universal instrument compatibility
GenEx is already compatible with instruments from most of the main
qPCR instrument producers and the list of compatible instruments keeps
growing with the help and input from existing customers.
User-friendly interface
GenEx has a user friendly interface designed to be both easy to learn
for a novice and flexible enough for the demands of a professional
Comprehensive pre-processing and data editing
Possibly the most important part of qPCR experiments is to pre-process
the raw data for subsequent statistical analyses. The pre-processing
steps need to be performed consistently in correct order and with
confidence. GenEx contains comprehensive tools for data pre-processing
and data editing.
Cutting-edge data analysis
GenEx offers cutting-edge data analysis tools, with GenEx Pro and
Enterprise being the most complete versions. Current features include
parametric and non-parametric statistical tests, clustering methods,
principal component analysis, artificial neural networks, and much
more. New features are continuously being added to GenEx with close
attention to customer needs. In the GenEx forum you will find in depth
information about experimental design, data analysis and GenEx
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are interested in qPCR !
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