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Last seen 2.7 years ago
United States
Hi Daniela, Thank you for sending the output and cdf file. It looks as though affyPara has bug in rmaPara when a user supplies a cdf that does not match the cdf information encoded in the cel files. The problem appears to be with the .initAffyBatchSF function that does initialization of the AffyBatch object on the workers. This function does not allow the passing of a user supplied cdf file so the cdf used is the default taken from the cel files. The cel files you are using are looking for file HuEx-1_0-st-v2 which is apparently in package huex10stv2cdf. The workers rmaPara spawns can't find this package because it isn't loaded (instead we have huex10stv2hsensecdf loaded). The workers also aren't aware that you want to use the huex10stv2hsensecdf package because .initAffyBatchSF does not pass the cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf" information to them. I will contact the package maintainer about this problem and cc you on the message. An interim work around would be to use just.rma on the workers. Your result will be a list of esets (one from each worker). library(affyPara) library(huex10stv2hsensecdf) setwd("/home/daniela/test") cl <- makeCluster() # load affy on each worker so they have access to just.rma clusterEvalQ(cl, library(affy)) eset <- clusterEvalQ(cl, just.rma(list.celfiles(), cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf")) stopCluster(cl) Hopefully this approach allows you to get your analysis done. Valerie On 10/16/2010 09:19 AM, Daniela Kamir wrote: > Hi Valerie, > This is Daniela (danieladna) from the Bioconductor forum. I posted for > help about the package affyPara. > You asked me to send you my results. > These are my output results: > > > > library(affydata) > > celpath <- system.file("celfiles", package="affydata") > > fns <- list.celfiles(path=celpath,full.names=TRUE) > > > abatch<-ReadAffy(filenames="1031.CEL", cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf") > > abatch > > Attaching package: 'huex10stv2hsensecdf' > > The following object(s) are masked from 'package:hgu133acdf': > > i2xy, xy2i > > AffyBatch object > size of arrays=2560x2560 features (16 kb) > cdf=huex10stv2hsensecdf (304497 affyids) > number of samples=1 > number of genes=304497 > annotation=huex10stv2hsensecdf > notes= > > > res<-rma(abatch) > Background correcting > Normalizing > Calculating Expression > > res > ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment) > assayData: 304497 features, 1 samples > element names: exprs > protocolData > sampleNames: 1031.CEL > varLabels and varMetadata description: > ScanDate: NA > phenoData > sampleNames: 1031.CEL > varLabels and varMetadata description: > sample: arbitrary numbering > featureData: none > experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)' > Annotation: huex10stv2hsensecdf > > But I do not manage to run just.rma: > > > ff<-just.rma(~/Expression-Exon/LBL__HuEx- 1_0-st-v2/Level_1/CONTROLS/TEST,cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf") > Error: unexpected '/' in "ff<-just.rma(~/" > > ff<-just.rma(/Expression-Exon/LBL__HuEx- 1_0-st-v2/Level_1/CONTROLS/TEST,cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf") > Error: unexpected '/' in "ff<-just.rma(/" > > ff<-just.rma(Expression-Exon/LBL__HuEx- 1_0-st-v2/Level_1/CONTROLS/TEST,cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf") > Error: unexpected input in "ff<-just.rma(Expression-Exon/LBL__HuEx- 1_" > > ?just.rma() > > ff<-just.rma(abatch,cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf") > Error: file names must be specified using a character vector, not a ‘list’ > > getwd() > [1] > "/home/danielak/Expression-Exon/LBL__HuEx- 1_0-st-v2/Level_1/CONTROLS/TEST" > > ff<-just.rma(home/danielak/Expression-Exon/LBL__HuEx- 1_0-st-v2/Level_1/CONTROLS/TEST,cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf") > Error: unexpected input in > "ff<-just.rma(home/danielak/Expression-Exon/LBL__HuEx-1_" > > ff<-just.rma(/home/danielak/Expression-Exon/LBL__HuEx- 1_0-st-v2/Level_1/CONTROLS/TEST,cdfname="huex10stv2hsensecdf") > Error: unexpected '/' in "ff<-just.rma(/" > > > sessionInfo() > R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) > x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu > > locale: > [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C > [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8 > [5] LC_MONETARY=C LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 > [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NAME=C > [9] LC_ADDRESS=C LC_TELEPHONE=C > [11] LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C > > attached base packages: > [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base > > other attached packages: > [1] huex10stv2hsensecdf_12.1.0 hgu133acdf_2.6.0 > [3] affydata_1.11.10 affy_1.26.1 > [5] Biobase_2.8.0 > > loaded via a namespace (and not attached): > [1] affyio_1.16.0 preprocessCore_1.10.0 tools_2.11.1 > > Please find attached the cdf file you asked me for. I really hope you > can help me find the reason why affyPara won’t run or rather won’t > detect the cdf file. > I really appreciate your help, > Daniela [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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