Dear all,
I have received data obtained using a three-color microarray platform,
e.g. three samples were labeled with three different fluorophores and
hybridized competitively to a single array. Would anyone be able to
point out a useful package for the analysis of three-color
hybridizations ?
Thanks a lot,
Thomas Sandmann, PhD
CellNetworks - Cluster of Excellence and
Division Signaling and Functional Genomics (B110)
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Im Neuenheimer Feld 580
D-69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 42 1954
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Hi Thomas
the NchannelSet class in the Biobase package can store such data [1],
some of the normalisation [2] and QC-assessment [3] methods that are
available for one- and two-color arrays can be either used directly or
with a little adaptation to such data, as can the linear model based
analysis of limma (e.g. by treating n 3-color arrays like 3n 1-color
To be more specific, I think you will need to reveal the biological
question and the experimental design behind these data.
Best wishes
[1] Have a look at the vignette of the CCl4 package "From the Genepix
data files to RGList to NChannelSet" for an example where such an
is constructed, which you will need to adapt to the particular file
format your friend uses (you'll have to modify the read.images
or emulate it with calls to read.table).
[2] vsn, quantiles, ...
[3] boxplots, MA-plots, between-array distance heatmap, such as in the
arrayQualityMetrics package
Il Oct/15/10 11:08 AM, Thomas Sandmann ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> I have received data obtained using a three-color microarray
> e.g. three samples were labeled with three different fluorophores
> hybridized competitively to a single array. Would anyone be able to
> point out a useful package for the analysis of three-color
hybridizations ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Thomas
Dear Wolfgang,
thanks a lot for your pointers to all the different packages.
To give you a bit more information about the experiment:
In this study, two factors are investigated: genotype and food.
Three different treatments were performed:
A) wt genotype + normal food
B) wt genotype + supplemented food
C) mutant genotype + supplemented food
Treatment/Genotype wt (W) mutant (M)
Normal food (N) x NA
Supplemented food (S) x x
(x = data available, NA = not available)
Each treatment was performed in four biological replicates, giving
to 3 x 4 = 12 RNA samples.
These 12 samples were analyzed on four 3-color microarrays,
competitively hybridizing one sample from each treatment (A,B,C) to
Two contrasts are of interest to the researchers:
1.) For the wt genotype: genes with differential expression between
two food supplements (N, S)
2.) For "Supplemented food" (S) : genes with differential expression
between wt and mutant genotypes (W, M)
As these two question each refer to a single factor (either genotype
food), I could perform two separate analyses on the data e.g. by
treating the arrays like standard two-color hybridizations and
extracting only the two channels of interest each time.
Of course, I would be grateful for any advice,
Wolfgang Huber wrote:
> Hi Thomas
> the NchannelSet class in the Biobase package can store such data
> some of the normalisation [2] and QC-assessment [3] methods that are
> available for one- and two-color arrays can be either used directly
> with a little adaptation to such data, as can the linear model based
> analysis of limma (e.g. by treating n 3-color arrays like 3n 1-color
> arrays).
> To be more specific, I think you will need to reveal the biological
> question and the experimental design behind these data.
> Best wishes
> Wolfgang
> [1] Have a look at the vignette of the CCl4 package "From the
> data files to RGList to NChannelSet" for an example where such an
> object is constructed, which you will need to adapt to the
> file format your friend uses (you'll have to modify the read.images
> function or emulate it with calls to read.table).
> [2] vsn, quantiles, ...
> [3] boxplots, MA-plots, between-array distance heatmap, such as in
> arrayQualityMetrics package
> Il Oct/15/10 11:08 AM, Thomas Sandmann ha scritto:
>> Dear all,
>> I have received data obtained using a three-color microarray
>> e.g. three samples were labeled with three different fluorophores
>> hybridized competitively to a single array. Would anyone be able to
>> point out a useful package for the analysis of three-color
>> hybridizations ?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Thomas
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Hi Tom Sing,
Thank you, this sounds reasonable. I think the analysis is
not different from that of 4 replicates of 3 one-color arrays.
So, you could think of the measurement for each gene as a point in 3D
space, and consider different projections (e.g. on the plane normal to
the average vector (1,1,1)), perhaps like Fig. 7 in
Depending on how that plot looks, one could attempt to detect gene set
enrichment in different areas (directions) of the plot, e.g. using
Hotelling's t-statistic and the applyByCategory function in the
package; or the polar angle.
Hope this helps.
PS - was a dye swap performed between the four biological replicates?
not, I'd expect to pay a substantial amount of attention to
of biological effects with dye-effects.
Il Oct/17/10 7:02 PM, Thomas Sandmann ha scritto:
> Dear Wolfgang,
> thanks a lot for your pointers to all the different packages.
> To give you a bit more information about the experiment:
> In this study, two factors are investigated: genotype and food.
> Three different treatments were performed:
> A) wt genotype + normal food
> B) wt genotype + supplemented food
> C) mutant genotype + supplemented food
> Treatment/Genotype wt (W) mutant (M)
> Normal food (N) x NA
> Supplemented food (S) x x
> (x = data available, NA = not available)
> Each treatment was performed in four biological replicates, giving
> to 3 x 4 = 12 RNA samples.
> These 12 samples were analyzed on four 3-color microarrays,
> competitively hybridizing one sample from each treatment (A,B,C) to
> array.
> Two contrasts are of interest to the researchers:
> 1.) For the wt genotype: genes with differential expression between
> two food supplements (N, S)
> 2.) For "Supplemented food" (S) : genes with differential expression
> between wt and mutant genotypes (W, M)
> As these two question each refer to a single factor (either genotype
> food), I could perform two separate analyses on the data e.g. by
> treating the arrays like standard two-color hybridizations and
> extracting only the two channels of interest each time.
> Of course, I would be grateful for any advice,
> thanks,
> Thomas
> Wolfgang Huber wrote:
>> Hi Thomas
>> the NchannelSet class in the Biobase package can store such data
>> some of the normalisation [2] and QC-assessment [3] methods that
>> available for one- and two-color arrays can be either used directly
>> with a little adaptation to such data, as can the linear model
>> analysis of limma (e.g. by treating n 3-color arrays like 3n
>> arrays).
>> To be more specific, I think you will need to reveal the biological
>> question and the experimental design behind these data.
>> Best wishes
>> Wolfgang
>> [1] Have a look at the vignette of the CCl4 package "From the
>> data files to RGList to NChannelSet" for an example where such an
>> object is constructed, which you will need to adapt to the
>> file format your friend uses (you'll have to modify the read.images
>> function or emulate it with calls to read.table).
>> [2] vsn, quantiles, ...
>> [3] boxplots, MA-plots, between-array distance heatmap, such as in
>> arrayQualityMetrics package
>> Il Oct/15/10 11:08 AM, Thomas Sandmann ha scritto:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have received data obtained using a three-color microarray
>>> e.g. three samples were labeled with three different fluorophores
>>> hybridized competitively to a single array. Would anyone be able
>>> point out a useful package for the analysis of three-color
>>> hybridizations ?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Thomas
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