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I think that you need to start by learning some elementary
statistics. There are lots of good books out there.
I like the ones by Ott (or Ott and Longnecker) and by Devore and
Peck. Read a few pages a day, work through the examples in the text
and you'll
be much better equipped to handle your analyses in about 3 weeks.
At 08:25 AM 9/1/2010, Johnny H wrote:
>I have found some R/Bioconductor/Genominator code on the web (below)
and it
>measures differential expression of RNA-seq short read data using a
>linear model.
>Can someone explain some basic questions I have?
>1) What is the reason for using 2 glm's for measuring differential
>2) In the function(y) there are two linear models ran; one with
argument y ~
>groups and the other with argument y ~ 1. Why do this?
>3) What does the offset do?
>4) Why use ANOVA; is to compare the linear models?
>5) What can we say about results, if adjusted for multiple testing;
>would you explain a significant result?
>6) Would an adjusted p-value of <= 0.05 be significant?
>Basically, I don't know much about the statistics done below and any
>or pointers to good literature for this would be a great help. Thank
> > head(geneCountsUI)
> mut_1_f mut_2_f wt_1_f wt_2_f
>YAL069W 0 0 0 0
>YBL049W 19 18 10 4
># Normalisation of RNA-seq lanes
>notZero <- which(rowSums(geneCountsUI) != 0)
>upper.quartiles <- apply(geneCountsUI[notZero, ], 2, function(x)
>uq.scaled <- upper.quartiles/sum(upper.quartiles) * sum(laneCounts)
># Calculating differential expression
>groups <- factor(rep(c("mut", "wt"), times = c(2, 2)))
>pvalues <- apply(geneCountsUI[notZero, ], 1,
> function(y) {
> fit <- glm(y ~ groups, family = poisson(), offset =
> fit0 <- glm(y ~ 1, family = poisson(), offset = log(uq.scaled))
> anova(fit0, fit, test = "Chisq")[2, 5]
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