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Chris Fjell
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I'm using KEGG.db and org.Hs.egPATH to find the genes in KEGG pathways
and the reverse.
It seems to me some pathways are not found in the annotation packages,
for example hsa04621.
Can someone correct me? Anyone know where to get the equivalent in,
a tab-delimited file instead?
For example, when I look up the gene 10392 on the KEGG web site I get
hsa04621 NOD-like receptor signaling pathway
hsa05120 Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection
hsa05131 Shigellosis
But using KEGGEXTID2PATHID I get no entry for that pathway
> mget( "hsa04621" , revmap(KEGGEXTID2PATHID) )
Error in .checkKeys(value, Lkeys(x), x at ifnotfound) :
value for "hsa04621" not found
And the gene just gives me one pathway:
> mget( "10392" , org.Hs.egPATH )
[1] "05120"
I think I'm doing this correctly as for "hsa04620":
> mget( "hsa04620" , revmap(KEGGEXTID2PATHID) )
[1] "10000" "10333" "10454" "114609" "1147" "1326" "1432"
[9] "207" "208" "23118" "2353" "23533" "23643" "29110"
[17] "3440" "3441" "3442" "3443" "3444" "3445" "3446"
[25] "3448" "3449" "3451" "3452" "3454" "3455" "3456"
[33] "3551" "3553" "3569" "3576" "3592" "3593" "3627"
[41] "3661" "3663" "3665" "3725" "3929" "4283" "4615"
[49] "4792" "51135" "51284" "51311" "5290" "5291" "5293"
[57] "5295" "5296" "54106" "54472" "5594" "5595" "5599"
[65] "5601" "5602" "5603" "5604" "5605" "5606" "5608"
[73] "5879" "5970" "6300" "6348" "6351" "6352" "6373"
[81] "6696" "6772" "6885" "7096" "7097" "7098" "7099"
[89] "7124" "7187" "7189" "841" "8503" "8517" "8737"
[97] "929" "941" "942" "958" "9641"
> mget( "10000" , org.Hs.egPATH )
[1] "04010" "04012" "04062" "04150" "04210" "04370" "04510" "04530"
[10] "04630" "04660" "04662" "04664" "04666" "04722" "04910" "04920"
[19] "05210" "05211" "05212" "05213" "05214" "05215" "05218" "05220"
[28] "05222" "05223"