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Samantha England
Last seen 10.5 years ago
To the Maintainers of "Agi4x44PreProcess" and the Bioconductor
We are using custom-designed Agilent chips (4 x 45220 probe) to
analyse one-colour samples prepared from zebrafish embryos. The
question I have concerns the use of annotation databases in
The raw text files generated by the Agilent Feature Extraction
software contain the probe and gene name for each spot on the array.
We also have a custom designed gal file. The problem we have is that
only 5 zebrafish-specific annotation databases exist for zebrafish:
four of these have been designed for use with the Affymetrix zebrafish
chip, whilst the remaining database uses entrez ids. Our gene names
are predominantly listed as ENSEMBL transcript identifiers (only a
small proportion are entrez ids). Therefore there doesn't yet exist
an appropriate annotation database for use with our data. With this
in mind I have two questions:
Firstly, is it possible to run the Agi4x44PreProcess software
successfully without calling an annotation database (can the probe ids
within the .txt files be used to identify the replicated probes)?
Secondly, if it is not possible to run the Agi4x44PreProcess software
without using an annotation database, is there any way that we could
somehow use the gal file instead?
I apologise in advance if these are naive questions - I am a newbie to
microarrays and all thing r and would appreciate any advice that you
can give me.
Many thanks in anticipation of your help.
Best Wishes
Samantha (Sam) England
Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience
University of Cambridge