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Pan Du
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Hi Jubao
The reason of the warning message is that Illumina HT-12 v4 have some
probes not included in previous versions. We will include Illumina
HT-12 v4
in the ³lumiHumanAll.db² in the next Bioc release.
If your data included annotation information, you can try run lumiR
providing probe mapping library, basically set ³lib.mapping = NULL².
you can retrieve the annotation information (if included in your data)
command pData(featureData(x.lumi)).
You may also just ignore the warning messages because the missing
probes are
not many. If the missing probes are coincidentally significantly
differentiated, then you have to manually annotate it based on
manifest file, which can be downloaded from Illumina:
Have a nice weekend
On 7/1/10 7:04 PM, "jubao Duan" <jduan69@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Pan,
> Does the current Lumi support Illumina HT-12 v4? It worked perfectly
with my
> v3 array data, but when I tried to annotate probes with nuID for v4
array data
> , many nuID could not be annotated with a Warning message:
> ³In getChipInfo(nuID, lib.mapping = lib.mapping, species = species,
: Some
> input IDs can not be matched!².
> Any suggestions to solve this problem?
> Thanks,
> Jubao
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