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Noemi Andor
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi everybody,
I have some Illumina methylation data which I try to normalize using
the Methylumi package. I've constructed an MethyLumiSet taking as
example the mldat-object from the vignette, i.e. I build the
components of my methylumiset-object analogue to the mldat-object. Yet
when I try to normalize I get the following report:
> normalizeMethyLumiSet(eset)
> Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
> unable to find an inherited method for function "QCdata<-", for
> "MethyLumiSet", "NULL"
I read, the same problem has allready been posted, yet I couldn't find
any solutions to it.
I would be very greatfull for an answer, since I invested a lot of
time, till I found out how to build such a MethyLumiSet object - yet I
can't find any hint to this problem.