Thanks, Pedro. Looking forward to hearing from you.
At 03:20 AM 6/18/2010, Pedro López Romero wrote:
>Thanks Neel,
>I am working on your data, I know where the
>problem is. I have to modify (or even write a
>new function) to read the data in such a way
>that it is more flexible to the different data
>formats. I will let you know when I have this ready.
>De: Neel Aluru []
>Enviado el: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:49 PM
>Para: Pedro López Romero; bio c bioconductor
>Asunto: RE: [BioC] AgiMicroRNA and Extra columns
>in Agilent Mouse miRNA Microarray Release 12.0 G4471A-021828.
>Thanks, Pedro.
>Here are the details you. I have noticed that
>what is in dd$genes and dd$other is different
>depending on whether I use read.maimages or
>readMicroRnaAFE function. I have pasted the details from both of
>The feature extraction software I used was version 9.3.
>Session info () using read.maimages function
> > library("AgiMicroRna")
> > targets.micro=readTargets(infile="targets.txt", verbose=TRUE)
>Target File
> FileName Treatment GErep Subject
>36_DMSO_1 36_DMSO_1.txt 36DMSO 1 1
>36_DMSO_2 36_DMSO_2.txt 36DMSO 1 2
>36_DMSO_3 36_DMSO_3.txt 36DMSO 1 3
>36_TCDD_1 36_TCDD_1.txt 36TCDD 2 1
>36_TCDD_2 36_TCDD_2.txt 36TCDD 2 2
>36_TCDD_3 36_TCDD_3.txt 36TCDD 2 3
>60_DMSO_1 60_DMSO_1.txt 60DMSO 3 1
>60_DMSO_2 60_DMSO_2.txt 60DMSO 3 2
>60_DMSO_3 60_DMSO_3.txt 60DMSO 3 3
>60_TCDD_1 60_TCDD_1.txt 60TCDD 4 1
>60_TCDD_2 60_TCDD_2.txt 60TCDD 4 2
>60_TCDD_3 60_TCDD_3.txt 60TCDD 4 3
> > ddaux=read.maimages(files=targets.micro$FileName,source="agilent",
>+ other.columns=list(IsGeneDetected="gIsGeneDetected",
>+ IsSaturated="gIsSaturated",
>+ IsFeatNonUnifOF="gIsFeatNonUnifOL",
>+ IsFeatPopnOL="gIsFeatPopnOL",
>+ ChrCoord="chr_coord", BGKmd="gBGMedianSignal",
>+ BGKus="gBGUsed"),
>+ columns=list(Rf="gTotalGeneSignal",
>+ Gf="gTotalProbeSignal",
>+ Rb="gMeanSignal",Gb="gProcessedSignal"),
>Read 36_DMSO_1.txt
>Read 36_DMSO_2.txt
>Read 36_DMSO_3.txt
>Read 36_TCDD_1.txt
>Read 36_TCDD_2.txt
>Read 36_TCDD_3.txt
>Read 60_DMSO_1.txt
>Read 60_DMSO_2.txt
>Read 60_DMSO_3.txt
>Read 60_TCDD_1.txt
>Read 60_TCDD_2.txt
>Read 60_TCDD_3.txt
> > names(ddaux)
>[1] "R" "G" "Rb" "Gb" "targets" "genes"
>[8] "other"
> > names(ddaux$genes)
> [1] "Row" "Col" "Start" "Sequence"
> [5] "ProbeUID" "ControlType" "ProbeName" "GeneName"
> [9] "SystematicName" "Description"
> > names(ddaux$other)
>"gIsGeneDetected" "gIsSaturated" "gIsFeatNonUnifOL"
>[5] "gBGMedianSignal" "gBGUsed"
>Session Info () with AgiMicroRnaAFE function.
> > ddaux=readAgiMicroRnaAFE(targets.micro, verbose=TRUE)
>Error: could not find function "readAgiMicroRnaAFE"
> > ddaux=readMicroRnaAFE(targets.micro, verbose=TRUE)
>Read 36_DMSO_1.txt
>Read 36_DMSO_2.txt
>Read 36_DMSO_3.txt
>Read 36_TCDD_1.txt
>Read 36_TCDD_2.txt
>Read 36_TCDD_3.txt
>Read 60_DMSO_1.txt
>Read 60_DMSO_2.txt
>Read 60_DMSO_3.txt
>Read 60_TCDD_1.txt
>Read 60_TCDD_2.txt
>Read 60_TCDD_3.txt
> RGList:
> dd$R: 'gTotalGeneSignal'
> dd$G: 'gTotalProbeSignal'
> dd$Rb: 'gMeanSignal'
> dd$Gb: 'gProcessedSignal'
> > names(ddaux)
>[1] "R" "G" "Rb" "Gb" "targets" "genes"
> > names(ddaux$genes)
>[1] "Sequence" "ProbeUID" "ControlType"
> > names(ddaux$other)
>"gIsGeneDetected" "gIsSaturated" "gIsFeatNonUnifOL"
>[5] "gBGMedianSignal" "gBGUsed"
>At 04:29 AM 6/17/2010, Pedro López Romero wrote:
>Hi Neel,
>I think your problem with the filtering
>function, is not the filtering itself but when
>the function tries to write an output. I am
>modifying this, so the user can choose whether
>or not they want to have an output file in the
>filtering step. In the meantime, can you tell me what you have in?
>What version of the Extractor are you using?
>De: Neel Aluru []
>Enviado el: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:54 PM
>Para: Richard Friedman; Pedro López Romero; bio c bioconductor
>Asunto: Re: [BioC] AgiMicroRNA and Extra columns
>in Agilent Mouse miRNA Microarray Release 12.0 G4471A-021828.
>Hi Rich,
>Did you try filtering probes using
>FilterMicroRna function after removing the two
>columns. I am having difficulty in filtering probes.
>At 04:19 PM 6/16/2010, Richard Friedman wrote:
>Dear Pedro and List,
> My text files form Agilent Mouse miRNA Microarray Release
>G4471A-021828 has two extra columns which are not
>in GSE19232 Agilent human microRNA array v 2.0 (G44708) - "start"
>and "sequence". When these are deleted
>AgiMicroRNA works. I do not know if this is due to the array or
>software or processing options on the software.
>This clears up the problem with maMicroRna( which i have been writing
>you about. It would be nice if
>this could be taken into automatically in a future version of
>AgiMicroRNA, but this solves my porblem for now.
>Thanks and best wishes,
>Richard A. Friedman, PhD
>Associate Research Scientist,
>Biomedical Informatics Shared Resource
>Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC)
>Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI)
>Educational Coordinator,
>Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (C2B2)/
>National Center for Multiscale Analysis of Genomic Networks (MAGNet)
>Room 824
>Irving Cancer Research Center
>Columbia University
>1130 St. Nicholas Ave
>New York, NY 10032
>(212)851-4765 (voice)
><http:"" ~friedman=""/>http://cancercenter.colu
>In Memoriam,
>George Scithers
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>Search the archives:
>Neel Aluru Ph.D.
>Post doctoral Scholar
>Biology Department
>Redfield 304 (MS#32)
>Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
>Woods Hole MA 02543 USA
>Phone: (508) 289-3607 [Office]
>774-392-3727 [Cell]
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>Neel Aluru Ph.D.
>Post doctoral Scholar
>Biology Department
>Redfield 304 (MS#32)
>Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
>Woods Hole MA 02543 USA
>Phone: (508) 289-3607 [Office]
>774-392-3727 [Cell]
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Neel Aluru Ph.D.
Post doctoral Scholar
Biology Department
Redfield 304 (MS#32)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole MA 02543 USA
Phone: (508) 289-3607 [Office]
774-392-3727 [Cell]
RID: A-7237-2009
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