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Noemi Andor
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I have a problem with the loading of an affybatch object from cel-
files. I have multiple cel files and want to analyze them all
together, yet the amount of data is to big to be loaded. I am
interested only in a subset of genes within those cel-files. So I
could load the cel-files into 3 or 4 affy objects, then read the
expression values of the genes of interest and merge them again. But
if I read them separatly, the background correction wil not be global,
and I do not know how to read them without background correction:
pd=read.AnnotatedDataFrame("BI_samples_1.txt", header=TRUE,
a= ReadAffy(filenames = rownames(pData(pd)), phenoData = pd, verbose =
e1<-rbind(e206123_at,..., e210684_s_at)
If I do the same for BI_samples_2.txt the corresponding e2 will not be
comparable to e1, am I right?
Would be very greatfull for a good solution to my problem?
best regards,