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Actually, the same query has worked with a smaller number of
ENST...many times for me too.
But if the length of the filtering vector is really the problem then
I feel confused.
Some months ago I was extracting one UTR sequence at a time, thus
the connection to biomaRt opened for several hours. At that time
biomaRt was cutting me off
after some time (of variable length). I posted my question to
Bioconductor asking why biomaRt
was kicking me out. I was strongly adviced to downloasd all needed
data all together with
one single query and then parse the downloaded stuff off-line.
If I got it right now you suggest downloading a few data at a time.
I'd really appreciate knowing whether there are limits in the amount
of data that can be requested
in a query and, if so, the upper boud.
Thank you,
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: michael watson (IAH-C) [mailto:michael.watson@bbsrc.ac.uk]
Inviato: ven 28/05/2010 22.54
A: mauede@alice.it; Bioconductor List
Oggetto: RE: [BioC] why biomaRt cannot extract 3UTR sequences for 1941
ENSGxxxxx ?
The following (small) code works for me:
mart <- useMart("ensembl","hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
ids <- c("ENST00000262187","ENST00000296271")
seq <- getSequence(id=ids, type="ensembl_transcript_id", mart=mart,
From: bioconductor-bounces@stat.math.ethz.ch [bioconductor-
bounces@stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of mauede@alice.it
Sent: 28 May 2010 21:41
To: Bioconductor List
Subject: [BioC] why biomaRt cannot extract 3UTR sequences for 1941
ENSGxxxxx ?
I executed the following lines several times from a script as well as
pasting them in an R shell.
Systematically biomaRt is failing.
The problem is to extract the 3UTR sequences corresponding to a vector
containing 1941
Ensembl Transcript numbers (some are duplicated ... is this s problem
Please, find the failing instructions in the following including the
ENST vector
Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you,
> hmart <- useMart('ensembl', dataset='hsapiens_gene_ensembl')
Checking attributes ... ok
Checking filters ... ok
> genes_map[,"ensembl_transcript_id"]
[1] "ENST00000262187" "ENST00000296271" "ENST00000346166"
[1937] "ENST00000400907" "ENST00000400908" "ENST00000440864"
[1941] "ENST00000254325"
> genes_seq <- getSequence
+ seqType="3utr",mart=hmart)
Error in value[[3L]](cond) :
Request to BioMart web service failed. Verify if you are still
connected to the internet. Alternatively the BioMart web service is
temporarily down.
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