Hi Pedro,
I was trying to use your package Agi4x44PreProcess and getting an
error when calling:
dd=read.AgilentFE(targ, makePLOT=FALSE)
Error in readGenericHeader(fullname, columns = columns, sep = sep) :
Specified column headings not found in file
Calls: read.AgilentFE -> read.maimages -> readGenericHeader
I checked Bioconductor list, this problem has been reported last
month, but not resolved so far, AFAIK.
I am using the latest R/Bioconductor on Linux. The target files are
produced by the scanner G2505C using Feature Extractor v.
The files have 27 columns:
integer FeatureNum
integer Row
integer Col
integer SubTypeMask
integer ControlType
text ProbeName
text SystematicName
float PositionX
float PositionY
float gProcessedSignal
float gProcessedSigError
float gMedianSignal
float gBGMedianSignal
float gBGPixSDev
boolean gIsSaturated
boolean gIsLowPMTScaledUp
boolean gIsFeatNonUnifOL
boolean gIsBGNonUnifOL
boolean gIsFeatPopnOL
boolean gIsBGPopnOL
boolean IsManualFlag
float gBGSubSignal
boolean gIsPosAndSignif
boolean gIsWellAboveBG
float SpotExtentX
float gBGMeanSignal
Please help!
Thanks for sharing your code!
Hi Ivan,
Ivan Smirnov wrote:
> Hi Pedro,
> I was trying to use your package Agi4x44PreProcess and getting an
> error when calling:
> dd=read.AgilentFE(targ, makePLOT=FALSE)
> Error in readGenericHeader(fullname, columns = columns, sep = sep) :
> Specified column headings not found in file
> Calls: read.AgilentFE -> read.maimages -> readGenericHeader
> I checked Bioconductor list, this problem has been reported last
> month, but not resolved so far, AFAIK.
> I am using the latest R/Bioconductor on Linux. The target files are
> produced by the scanner G2505C using Feature Extractor v.
> The files have 27 columns:
> integer FeatureNum
> integer Row
> integer Col
> integer SubTypeMask
> integer ControlType
> text ProbeName
> text SystematicName
> float PositionX
> float PositionY
> float gProcessedSignal
> float gProcessedSigError
> float gMedianSignal
> float gBGMedianSignal
> float gBGPixSDev
> boolean gIsSaturated
> boolean gIsLowPMTScaledUp
> boolean gIsFeatNonUnifOL
> boolean gIsBGNonUnifOL
> boolean gIsFeatPopnOL
> boolean gIsBGPopnOL
> boolean IsManualFlag
> float gBGSubSignal
> boolean gIsPosAndSignif
> boolean gIsWellAboveBG
> float SpotExtentX
> float gBGMeanSignal
I encountered what may be a similar problem. It relates to the format
in which the AFE text output results files are saved (FULL, COMPACT,
QC, MINIMAL). The package assumes/requires that the FULL format be
used. I say this because the read.AgilentFE function specifically
looks for the 'Sequence' column in the Features Table, and this is
only included in the output file that is saved in the FULL format. You
may have encountered another error prior to seeing this one, but your
error message, as well as the file containing 'only' 27 columns, seems
to indicate that your output file has been saved in other than the
FULL format.
Good luck!
Derek Janszen, PhD
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999, MSIN J4-33
Richland, WA 99352 USA
Tel: 509-372-4561
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