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Kay Jaja
Last seen 10.2 years ago
Hi ,
I have downloaded the Affy6.0 snp annotation file from Affy website
but the snps are maped to an old build. for example, rs2834296 is
mapped to chr 21 and base pair position 34203263, but if you go to
Ensembl you will find this snp has a different name rs4591 and the
base pair is 35281393.
I needed to remap all the snps to the current build so I tried biomart
package using R using the scrip below
mart <- useMart("snp")
filters=c("refsnp"), values=snps, mart=mart)
here is the problem
snps is a vector of rs# from the Affy 6.0 ( there are about 900,000)
snps but the script took forever was never finished.
I tried to have the vector snps to be the only the rs# from chr 21,
but not all the snps get mapped for example the above snps that i
mentioned before rs2834296 will be dropped.
any ideas on how to map the snps in the affy 6.0 to the current build
thanks and appreciate your help
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