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Guido Hooiveld
Last seen 2 days ago
Wageningen University, Wageningen, the …
Hi all,
Likely an easy answer, but i just don't know:
How to look at the underlying SQL scheme from e.g. the platform design
info packages created by pdInfoBuilder, such as e.g.
I tried with:
conn <- db(object)
sql <- "DESC FROM pmfeature"
dbGetQuery(conn, sql)
Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, bind.data) :
RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near "DESC": syntax error)
but that thus doesn't work...
Guido Hooiveld, PhD
Nutrition, Metabolism & Genomics Group
Division of Human Nutrition
Wageningen University
Biotechnion, Bomenweg 2
NL-6703 HD Wageningen
the Netherlands
tel: (+)31 317 485788
fax: (+)31 317 483342
internet: http://nutrigene.4t.com<http: nutrigene.4t.com=""/>
email: guido.hooiveld@wur.nl
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