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Patrick Schorderet
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
I have been trying to use rMAT and its tutorial
). I am working with MacOSX and a recent R version. I was able to
install rMAT (at least it loads correctly in R when launching it from
the package manager window) as well as the data set which is used in
the tutorial. I can load the different datasets separately, but when I
try to combine them into a single variable, I get this error message
(see below). I do not know what is going on.. R seems to be unable to
convert some variables (see error highlighted in red).
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance,
R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26)
Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
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[R.app GUI 1.28 (5444) i386-apple-darwin8.11.1]
Attachement du package : 'gsl'
The following object(s) are masked from package:stats :
Le chargement a nécessité le package : biomaRt
Le chargement a nécessité le package : grid
celA<-c("MCF_ER_A1.CEL","MCF_ER_A3.CEL", "MCF_ER_A4.CEL",
> ERA<-BPMAPCelParser(bpmapA, celA, seqName="chr2")
> bpmapB<-"P1_CHIP_B.Anti-Sense.hs.NCBIv35.NR.bpmap"
> celB<-c("MCF_ER_B1.CEL","MCF_ER_B3.CEL", "MCF_ER_B4.CEL",
> ERB<-BPMAPCelParser(bpmapB, celB, seqName="chr2")
> bpmapC<-"P1_CHIP_C.Anti-Sense.hs.NCBIv35.NR.bpmap"
> celC<-c("MCF_ER_C1.CEL","MCF_ER_C3.CEL", "MCF_ER_C4.CEL",
> ERC<-BPMAPCelParser(bpmapC, celC, seqName="chr2")
Erreur dans .Method(..., deparse.level = deparse.level) :
pas de méthode pour convertir automatiquement cette classe S4 en
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26)
attached base packages:
[1] grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
methods base
other attached packages:
[1] GenomeGraphs_1.4.1 biomaRt_2.0.0 gsl_1.8-14
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] affxparser_1.16.0 Biobase_2.4.1 RCurl_0.98-1 XML_2.6-0
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