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Radek Blatny
Last seen 10.3 years ago
I'd like to make clear how the 'Heat Map for Genes in Dataset' which
is one of plots in the '(project name).global.plots.pdf' and is
generated by the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis R code (GSEA.1.0.R)? The
code is available as R-GSEA at:
<http: www.broadinstitute.org="" cancer="" software="" gsea="" wiki="" index.php="" r-g="" sea_readme="">
<http: www.broadinstitute.org="" gsea="" downloads.jsp="">
My understanding is that each row represents one gene in the data set
which is somehow normalized and the columns are grouped according to
the lables provided by the person running the code. My question is how
the rows in the heat map are sorted since I have tried several
different clustering methods with my data and I've never gotten such
impressive picture as with this code. The heat map itself is generated
by the function 'GSEA.HeatMapPlot()' which is defined by the script
but I find it difficult to decipher how the rows are sorted although
complete R code is provided.
Anyone can help please?
Regards, Radek
Radek Blatny, MSc.
Institute of Molecular Genetics
Department of Mouse Molecular Genetics (Jiri Forejt unit)
Czech Academy of Sciences
Videnska 1083
142 20, Prague
Czech Republic
Tel. (+420) 241 062 260
Fax (+420) 241 062 154
email: blatny at img.cas.cz
Skype name: blatny