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Groot, Philip de
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello James,
I am surprised to see that - apparently - simpleaffy detects that
another chip is provided than returned via the 'annotation(raw.data)'
function. Such a message would worry me indeed. Having said this: why
would you want to perform QC utilizing the MBNI Custom CDF? The Custom
CDF won't 'magically' improve bad quality arrays! In other words:
performing QC utilizing the (default) Affymetrix CDF is just fine to
assess thequality of your arrays.
Dr. Philip de Groot Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Researcher
Wageningen University / TIFN
Nutrigenomics Consortium
Nutrition, Metabolism & Genomics Group
Division of Human Nutrition
PO Box 8129, 6700 EV Wageningen
Visiting Address: Erfelijkheidsleer: De Valk, Building 304
Dreijenweg 2, 6703 HA Wageningen
Room: 0052a
T: +31-317-485786
F: +31-317-483342
E-mail: Philip.deGroot at wur.nl <mailto:philip.degroot at="" wur.nl="">
Internet: http://www.nutrigenomicsconsortium.nl
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From: James Anderson [mailto:janderson_net@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wed 31-3-2010 15:31
To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [BioC] question regarding qc function in simpleaffy package
I am trying to use the qc function in the simpleaffy package to
generate those qc metrics for a bunch of cel files in U133A, but I
need to use a different cdf file, not the Affy CDF.
Below is the code
cel.path <- "C:\Cel"
fn <- list.celfiles(cel.path, full.name = T)
raw.data <- ReadAffy(filenames = fn,cdfname = "hgu133ahsentrezg")
x.mas5 <- call.exprs(raw.data,"mas5",sc = 100)
qcmas5 <- qc(raw.data,x.mas5)
Everything runs smoothly except the last line, it has the following
warning message:
Warning message:
In qc.affy(unnormalised, ...) :
CDF Environment name ' hgu133acdf ' does not match cdfname '
hgu133ahsentrezgcdf '
Is this problem negligible? or it is serious? I've looked into the qc
function and it does not seem to have an argument that allows you to
specify cdfname.