SPIA package
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Marcos Pinho ▴ 200
Last seen 10.1 years ago
Dear list, I have been trying to use the SPIA package, but have been encountering some dificulties in creating my two vectors: one with the log2 fold changes of DE genes and the other cobntaining the universe of all Entrez gene IDs on the array. Any help would be greatly apreciated. Please find below my session info: R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. [Previously saved workspace restored] > library (SPIA) Loading required package: RCurl Loading required package: bitops > data(colorectalcancer) > DE_Colorectal[1:10] 3491 2353 1958 1843 3725 23645 9510 84869 5.960206 5.143502 4.148081 2.429889 1.531126 1.429269 3.937663 -1.147077 7432 1490 4.715767 3.447604 > ALL_Colorectal[1:10] [1] "3491" "2353" "1958" "1843" "3725" "23645" "9510" "84869" "7432" [10] "1490" > head(top) ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B 10738 201289_at 5.960206 6.226928 23.94388 1.789221e-17 9.782565e-13 25.40124 18604 209189_at 5.143502 7.487305 17.42995 1.560212e-14 2.843486e-10 21.02120 11143 201694_s_at 4.148081 7.038281 16.46040 5.153117e-14 7.043667e-10 20.14963 10490 201041_s_at 2.429889 9.594413 14.06891 1.293706e-12 1.414667e-08 17.66883 10913 201464_x_at 1.531126 8.221044 10.98634 1.685519e-10 1.151947e-06 13.61189 11463 202014_at 1.429269 5.327647 10.45906 4.274251e-10 2.418771e-06 12.80131 > dir() [1] "array image K562 Lucena sem VCR.jpeg" [2] "Box plot norm data histogram.jpeg" [3] "Box plot raw data histogram.jpeg" [4] "K562 1.CEL" [5] "K562 2_1.CEL" [6] "K562 vs Lucena-VCR" [7] "limma_completeK562 vs Lucena.xls" [8] "Lucena sem VCR 1.CEL" [9] "Lucena sem VCR 2.CEL" [10] "MAplot Norm data.jpeg" [11] "MAplot Raw data.jpeg" [12] "QC Stats Graph K562 vc Lucena sem VCR.jpeg" [13] "RLE NUSE plots.jpeg" [14] "RNA degradation plot.jpeg" > library(affy) Loading required package: Biobase Welcome to Bioconductor Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type 'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see 'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation(pkgname)'. > library(tkWidgets) Loading required package: widgetTools Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Loading required package: DynDoc Loading required package: tools > data=ReadAffy(widget=TRUE) > library(gcrma) > eset=gcrma(data) Adjusting for optical effect....Done. Computing affinitiesLoading required package: AnnotationDbi .Done. Adjusting for non-specific binding....Done. Normalizing Calculating Expression > library(genefilter) > library (hgu133plus2.db) Loading required package: org.Hs.eg.db Loading required package: DBI > esetF = nsFilter (eset, require.entrez=TRUE,remove.dupEntrez=TRUE, feature.exclude="^AFFX",var.cutof=0.5)$eset > design = model.matrix (~factor(rep (1:2, each=2))) > colnames(design)=c("K562", "Lucena") > design K562 Lucena 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 1 4 1 1 attr(,"assign") [1] 0 1 attr(,"contrasts") attr(,"contrasts")$`factor(rep(1:2, each = 2))` [1] "contr.treatment" > library(limma) > fit =lmFit (esetF, design) > fit2=eBayes(fit) > topTable(fit2, coef=2) ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B 5026 209993_at 8.167898 6.410285 26.34450 7.032016e-07 0.005525598 5.852191 3236 1553436_at 7.512443 6.097913 23.91930 1.175771e-06 0.005525598 5.586671 9476 206488_s_at 7.318355 6.081049 21.61440 2.014549e-06 0.005525598 5.277576 1342 235683_at 6.589716 5.620394 19.19109 3.784627e-06 0.005525598 4.875214 6740 222392_x_at 6.047929 6.736659 18.95527 4.040667e-06 0.005525598 4.830968 8639 210603_at 6.088776 5.773605 18.94361 4.053843e-06 0.005525598 4.828755 3821 202948_at -6.231328 5.580407 -18.55760 4.520484e-06 0.005525598 4.754058 5074 205934_at 5.836512 5.809832 18.26090 4.922783e-06 0.005525598 4.694726 3870 205786_s_at -6.788839 7.957034 -17.55018 6.072079e-06 0.005525598 4.545431 8207 225502_at -6.769984 5.721122 -17.11499 6.933010e-06 0.005525598 4.448722 > library(annotate) > fit2$genes$EG <- getEG(fit2$genes$ID, "hgu133plus2") > topTable(fit2, coef=2) ID EG logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val 5026 209993_at 5243 8.167898 6.410285 26.34450 7.032016e-07 0.005525598 3236 1553436_at 283463 7.512443 6.097913 23.91930 1.175771e-06 0.005525598 9476 206488_s_at 948 7.318355 6.081049 21.61440 2.014549e-06 0.005525598 1342 235683_at 143686 6.589716 5.620394 19.19109 3.784627e-06 0.005525598 6740 222392_x_at 64065 6.047929 6.736659 18.95527 4.040667e-06 0.005525598 8639 210603_at 84779 6.088776 5.773605 18.94361 4.053843e-06 0.005525598 3821 202948_at 3554 -6.231328 5.580407 -18.55760 4.520484e-06 0.005525598 5074 205934_at 5334 5.836512 5.809832 18.26090 4.922783e-06 0.005525598 3870 205786_s_at 3684 -6.788839 7.957034 -17.55018 6.072079e-06 0.005525598 8207 225502_at 81704 -6.769984 5.721122 -17.11499 6.933010e-06 0.005525598 B 5026 5.852191 3236 5.586671 9476 5.277576 1342 4.875214 6740 4.830968 8639 4.828755 3821 4.754058 5074 4.694726 3870 4.545431 8207 4.448722 > x = hgu133plus2ENTREZID > fit2$ENTREZ = unlist (as.list (x[fit2$ID])) > fit2$ENTREZ NULL > fit2 = fit2 [! is. na (fit2$ENTREZ),] Error: unexpected symbol in "fit2 = fit2 [! is. na" > tg1 = fit2[fit2$adj.P.Val < 0.05,] > DE_KL = tg1$logFC > names(DE_KL)= as.vector(tg1$ENTREZ) > ALL_DE = fit2$ENTREZ > DE_KL [1:10] NULL > DE_KL NULL -- Marcos B. Pinho Programa de Engenharia Química - PEQ Laboratório de Engenharia de Cultivos Celulares- LECC Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Instituto Nacional de Câncer - INCA Rio de Janeiro - Brasil [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
graph SPIA graph SPIA • 1.3k views
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Seth Falcon ★ 7.4k
Last seen 10.1 years ago
See below... On 3/17/10 10:52 AM, Marcos Pinho wrote: > Dear list, > > I have been trying to use the SPIA package, but have been encountering some > dificulties in creating my two vectors: one with the log2 fold changes of DE > genes and the other cobntaining the universe of all Entrez gene IDs on the > array. Any help would be greatly apreciated. Please find below my session > info: > > R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) > > Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing > > ISBN 3-900051-07-0 > > > > R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. > > You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. > > Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. > > > > Natural language support but running in an English locale > > > > R is a collaborative project with many contributors. > > Type 'contributors()' for more information and > > 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. > > > > Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or > > 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. > > Type 'q()' to quit R. > > > > [Previously saved workspace restored] > > > >> library (SPIA) > > Loading required package: RCurl > > Loading required package: bitops > >> data(colorectalcancer) > >> DE_Colorectal[1:10] > > 3491 2353 1958 1843 3725 23645 9510 84869 > > > 5.960206 5.143502 4.148081 2.429889 1.531126 1.429269 3.937663 > -1.147077 > > 7432 1490 > > 4.715767 3.447604 > >> ALL_Colorectal[1:10] > > [1] "3491" "2353" "1958" "1843" "3725" "23645" "9510" "84869" "7432" > > [10] "1490" > > > >> head(top) > > ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val > B > > 10738 201289_at 5.960206 6.226928 23.94388 1.789221e-17 9.782565e-13 > 25.40124 > > 18604 209189_at 5.143502 7.487305 17.42995 1.560212e-14 2.843486e-10 > 21.02120 > > 11143 201694_s_at 4.148081 7.038281 16.46040 5.153117e-14 7.043667e-10 > 20.14963 > > 10490 201041_s_at 2.429889 9.594413 14.06891 1.293706e-12 1.414667e-08 > 17.66883 > > 10913 201464_x_at 1.531126 8.221044 10.98634 1.685519e-10 1.151947e-06 > 13.61189 > > 11463 202014_at 1.429269 5.327647 10.45906 4.274251e-10 2.418771e-06 > 12.80131 > >> dir() > > [1] "array image K562 Lucena sem VCR.jpeg" > > [2] "Box plot norm data histogram.jpeg" > > [3] "Box plot raw data histogram.jpeg" > > [4] "K562 1.CEL" > > [5] "K562 2_1.CEL" > > [6] "K562 vs Lucena-VCR" > > [7] "limma_completeK562 vs Lucena.xls" > > [8] "Lucena sem VCR 1.CEL" > > [9] "Lucena sem VCR 2.CEL" > > [10] "MAplot Norm data.jpeg" > > [11] "MAplot Raw data.jpeg" > > [12] "QC Stats Graph K562 vc Lucena sem VCR.jpeg" > > [13] "RLE NUSE plots.jpeg" > > [14] "RNA degradation plot.jpeg" > >> library(affy) > > Loading required package: Biobase > > > > Welcome to Bioconductor > > > > Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type > > 'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see > > 'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation(pkgname)'. > > > >> library(tkWidgets) > > Loading required package: widgetTools > > Loading required package: tcltk > > Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done > > Loading required package: DynDoc > > Loading required package: tools > >> data=ReadAffy(widget=TRUE) > >> library(gcrma) > >> eset=gcrma(data) > > Adjusting for optical effect....Done. > > Computing affinitiesLoading required package: AnnotationDbi > > .Done. > > Adjusting for non-specific binding....Done. > > Normalizing > > Calculating Expression > >> library(genefilter) > >> library (hgu133plus2.db) > > Loading required package: org.Hs.eg.db > > Loading required package: DBI > >> esetF = nsFilter (eset, require.entrez=TRUE,remove.dupEntrez=TRUE, > feature.exclude="^AFFX",var.cutof=0.5)$eset > >> design = model.matrix (~factor(rep (1:2, each=2))) > >> colnames(design)=c("K562", "Lucena") > >> design > > K562 Lucena > > 1 1 0 > > 2 1 0 > > 3 1 1 > > 4 1 1 > > attr(,"assign") > > [1] 0 1 > > attr(,"contrasts") > > attr(,"contrasts")$`factor(rep(1:2, each = 2))` > > [1] "contr.treatment" > > > >> library(limma) > >> fit =lmFit (esetF, design) > >> fit2=eBayes(fit) > >> topTable(fit2, coef=2) > > ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val > B > > 5026 209993_at 8.167898 6.410285 26.34450 7.032016e-07 0.005525598 > 5.852191 > > 3236 1553436_at 7.512443 6.097913 23.91930 1.175771e-06 0.005525598 > 5.586671 > > 9476 206488_s_at 7.318355 6.081049 21.61440 2.014549e-06 0.005525598 > 5.277576 > > 1342 235683_at 6.589716 5.620394 19.19109 3.784627e-06 0.005525598 > 4.875214 > > 6740 222392_x_at 6.047929 6.736659 18.95527 4.040667e-06 0.005525598 > 4.830968 > > 8639 210603_at 6.088776 5.773605 18.94361 4.053843e-06 0.005525598 > 4.828755 > > 3821 202948_at -6.231328 5.580407 -18.55760 4.520484e-06 0.005525598 > 4.754058 > > 5074 205934_at 5.836512 5.809832 18.26090 4.922783e-06 0.005525598 > 4.694726 > > 3870 205786_s_at -6.788839 7.957034 -17.55018 6.072079e-06 0.005525598 > 4.545431 > > 8207 225502_at -6.769984 5.721122 -17.11499 6.933010e-06 0.005525598 > 4.448722 > >> library(annotate) > >> fit2$genes$EG<- getEG(fit2$genes$ID, "hgu133plus2") > >> topTable(fit2, coef=2) > > ID EG logFC AveExpr t P.Value > adj.P.Val > > 5026 209993_at 5243 8.167898 6.410285 26.34450 7.032016e-07 > 0.005525598 > > 3236 1553436_at 283463 7.512443 6.097913 23.91930 1.175771e-06 > 0.005525598 > > 9476 206488_s_at 948 7.318355 6.081049 21.61440 2.014549e-06 > 0.005525598 > > 1342 235683_at 143686 6.589716 5.620394 19.19109 3.784627e-06 > 0.005525598 > > 6740 222392_x_at 64065 6.047929 6.736659 18.95527 4.040667e-06 > 0.005525598 > > 8639 210603_at 84779 6.088776 5.773605 18.94361 4.053843e-06 > 0.005525598 > > 3821 202948_at 3554 -6.231328 5.580407 -18.55760 4.520484e-06 > 0.005525598 > > 5074 205934_at 5334 5.836512 5.809832 18.26090 4.922783e-06 > 0.005525598 > > 3870 205786_s_at 3684 -6.788839 7.957034 -17.55018 6.072079e-06 > 0.005525598 > > 8207 225502_at 81704 -6.769984 5.721122 -17.11499 6.933010e-06 > 0.005525598 > > B > > 5026 5.852191 > > 3236 5.586671 > > 9476 5.277576 > > 1342 4.875214 > > 6740 4.830968 > > 8639 4.828755 > > 3821 4.754058 > > 5074 4.694726 > > 3870 4.545431 > > 8207 4.448722 > > > >> x = hgu133plus2ENTREZID > >> fit2$ENTREZ = unlist (as.list (x[fit2$ID])) At this point, you should inspect fit2$ID and determine its type using class. And you might inspect what you get from: as.list(x[head(fit2$ID)]) to try and understand why the result of the above in your session is returning NULL. Also, with all of your output, I couldn't find sessionInfo() which might be useful in helping you any further. + seth > >> fit2$ENTREZ > > NULL ... -- Seth Falcon Bioconductor Core Team | FHCRC

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