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Dick Beyer
Last seen 10.3 years ago
Hi Adrian,
Thanks very much for your reply. Your example for building the topGO
object was very helpful.
Another question: Do you have a favorite way to summarize the topGO
output? What I am trying to do is something like CateGOrizer:
that uses higher level GO terms to give a summary overview of the
enriched GO terms.
Thanks very much,
Richard P. Beyer, Ph.D. University of Washington
Tel.:(206) 616 7378 Env. & Occ. Health Sci. , Box 354695
Fax: (206) 685 4696 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, # 100
Seattle, WA 98105-6099
On Wed, 3 Mar 2010, Adrian Alexa wrote:
> Hi Dick,
> as Sean already mentioned the org.Mm.egGO2EG contains only the most
> specific GO annotations. topGO doesn't care if the supply the most
> specif gene-to-GO mappings or the complete mappings. You will obtain
> the same result if you use either org.Mm.egGO2EG or
> org.Mm.egGO2ALLEGS. However, do to the redundancies in the
> org.Mm.egGO2ALLEGS mappings I advise in using the most specific
> mappings.
> Also, since you are using a Bioconductor annotation package, you
> need to construct the gene2GO list to provide the annotations. There
> is a function, namely "annFUN.org" which is more convenient to use
> when building the "topGOdata" object. In this case the instantiation
> of a topGOdata object will look like:
> GOdata <- new("topGOdata",
> ontology = "BP",
> allGenes = geneList,
> nodeSize = 5,
> annot = annFUN.org,
> mapping = "org.Mm.eg.db",
> ID = "entrez")
> The "mapping" argument tells which annotation chip to be use and the
> "ID" argument selects one of the gene identifiers to be use.
> You can also use functions from topGO to access the genes annotated
> a GO term of interest.
> # all the genes annotated to GO:0030522 -- NOT only the most
specific ones!
> myGenes <- genesInTerm(GOdata, "GO:0030522")
> # the number of annotated genes
> no.myGenes <- countGenesInTerm(GOdata, "GO:0030522")
> Hope this helps. Let me know if you have additional questions.
> Regards,
> Adrian
> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Dick Beyer <dbeyer at="" u.washington.edu=""> wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> Thanks very much for looking into this. ?I guess I need to think
about this.
>> ?What is confusing to me is topGO takes a gene2GO list as input (a
list of
>> GO terms for each gene), which I generated from org.Mm.egGO2EG (no
>> GO:0030522, for example). Getting GOIDs out of topGO that are in
>> org.Mm.egGO2ALLEGS rather than org.Mm.egGO2EG makes me think I
should build
>> my gene2GO input list from org.Mm.egGO2ALLEGS rather than
>> I also didn't dig far enough when I checked GO:0030522 at
>> which showed 34 gene products for Mus musculus. ?However, had I
>> further I would have seen GO:0030522 has no genes of its own.
>> Until recently, I used
ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/DATA/gene2go.gz for
>> getting Entrez Gene ID/GOIDs mappings, but switched to the
>> org.Mm.eg.db way as it is much simplier.
>> Thanks for the good education!
>> Cheers,
>> Dick
>> *******************************************************************
>> Richard P. Beyer, Ph.D. University of Washington
>> Tel.:(206) 616 7378 ? ? Env. & Occ. Health Sci. , Box 354695
>> Fax: (206) 685 4696 ? ? 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, # 100
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Seattle, WA 98105-6099
>> http://depts.washington.edu/ceeh/ServiceCores/FC5/FC5.html
>> http://staff.washington.edu/~dbeyer
>> *******************************************************************
>> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Sean Davis wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:15 PM, Dick Beyer <dbeyer at="" u.washington.edu="">
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've been running topGO (using mouse Entrez Gene IDs) and found
that some
>>>> GO terms that turn up in the topGO analysis are not in the GO
terms from
>>>> org.Mm.eg.db.
>>>> I'd like to give some example code to show how to generate the
>>>> but my topGO code is a lot of lines. ?The output looks like:
>>>> allResults[[1]][[1]][1:2,]
>>>> ? ? ? ? GO.ID ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Term Annotated
>>>> Expected classic ? ?elim weight
>>>> 714 GO:0019222 ? ? regulation of metabolic process ? ? ?2498 ? ?
? ? 143
>>>> ? 107.08 0.00010 0.17956 0.9057
>>>> 762 GO:0006807 nitrogen compound metabolic process ? ? ?3413 ? ?
? ? 186
>>>> ? 146.31 0.00011 0.45337 0.9434
>>>> So, the topGO output gives a column of GOIDs and such.
>>>> Some of the problem GOIDs from topGO are GO:0030522, GO:0051094,
>>>> GO:0031497, GO:0046700.
>>>> I can't find these in names(Mm.egGO2EG).
>>>> library("org.Mm.eg.db")
>>>> Mm.egGO2EG <- as.list(org.Mm.egGO2EG)
>>>> grep("GO:0030522",names(Mm.egGO2EG))
>>>> integer(0)
>>>> Is it possible that topGO depends on GO.db, and I'm using
>>>> ?When I check for GO:0030522 for Mus musculus at
>>>> GO:0030522 is valid.
>>>> I'm puzzled by the mismatch. ?I want to get the genes for a given
>>>> so there is probably a work around. ?If anyone has a suggestion
or idea, I'd
>>>> be very grateful to know what to try.
>>> Hi, Dick.
>>> The Gene Ontology, as I'm sure everyone knows, is hierarchical.
>>> org.Mm.egGO2EG table stores ONLY the most specific term for each
>>> However, the org.Mm.egGO2ALLEGS stores the term and all the genes
>>> itself AND its children. ?Most of the gene ontology analysis
>>> algorithms use the latter definition; it looks like topGO does
>>> In short, try this:
>>> get('GO:0030522',org.Mm.egGO2ALLEGS)
>>> ? ?IDA ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IDA ? ? ?IGI ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IGI ? ? ?IMP ? ?
>>> "11835" ?"11835" ?"11848" ?"12034" ?"12034" ?"13082" ?"13123"
>>> ? ?IMP ? ? ?ISO ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IDA ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IMP ? ?
>>> "14228" ?"14599" ?"14602" ?"14815" ?"14815" ?"15502" ?"16000"
>>> ? ?IDA ? ? ?IDA ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IDA ? ? ?IGI ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IMP ? ?
>>> "16601" ?"18667" ?"18854" ?"19213" ?"19378" ?"19378" ?"19411"
>>> ? ?IDA ? ? ?IDA ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IPI ? ? ?IDA ? ?
>>> "20182" ?"20183" ?"20779" ?"21815" ?"21848" ?"22215" ?"24074"
>>> ? ?IMP ? ? ?ISA ? ? ?IDA ? ? ?IDA ? ? ?IMP ? ? ?IDA
>>> "56351" ?"56847" ?"59035" ?"67488" "224903" "232174"
>>> Hope that helps clear things up.
>>> Sean
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