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Rainer Machne
Last seen 10.5 years ago
On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, Stephane Schicklin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not using your library but I think your problem is different to
a version
> problem. If your libSBML is correctly installed, I advise you to
search on
> your system where really is the shared object "rsbml.so", then
you'll have to
> correct the path environment of R to have a correct load.
> ideas : is your system/R really 64 bits ? Look at
> '/usr/lib*32*/R/library/rsbml/libs/rsbml.so' to see if your library
> compiled for 32 and not for 64 bits system...
Hi Stephane,
(sorry for the multiple emails, forgot the list in the first email)
thanks, but no, i think everything is 64bit and other libs are lying
at the
same location as rsbml. I found a potential source of the problem,
though. I
have a local installation of libsbml which I use outside of R. Even
though the
local installation is in my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables,
biocLite('rsbml') didn't find the headers and I didn't find out how to
pass the
local libsbml path to the biocLite installation scripts (? btw).
Thus i asked the sysadmin for a global libsbml installation.
Installation of
rsbml then worked fine, but ldd shows that the rsbml.so file then
links to the local version:
merlin ~> ldd /usr/lib64/R/library/rsbml/libs/rsbml.so
libsbml.so => /MYLOCALLIBS/lib/libsbml.so
So, it seems to be a version conflict, which I often had with libsbml
local vs.
global installations. i should have though of ldd'ing the libs first.
I guess, I can try to remove the local installation temporarily from
the path
variables during rsbml installation to force it to use the global
version, OR I could set the respective compilation flags via
biocLite,if i find
out how exactly (some tries with configure.args didn't work yet). I'll
tomorrow :)
> Best wishes,
> Stephane Schicklin
> Le 09/02/10 16:16, Rainer Machne a ?crit :
>> Hi,
>> Which libSBML version is required for rsbml? I couldn't find this
>> information anywhere, and it doesn't work for libSBML 3.4.1 (and
2.4.0) on
>> Fedora Core 10 Linux.
>> Or is there another problem? Installation ended without error
message, but
>> then loading the library fails:
>> > library('rsbml',lib.loc="/usr/lib64/R/library/")
>> Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
>> unable to load shared library
>> /usr/lib64/R/library/rsbml/libs/rsbml.so: undefined symbol:
>> SpeciesReferenceGlyph_getSpeciesReferenceId
>> Error : .onLoad failed in 'loadNamespace' for 'rsbml'
>> Error: package/namespace load failed for 'rsbml'
>> Thanks,
>> Rainer Machne
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> --
> St?phane Schicklin
> Bioinformatics Engineer
> INSERM, U851
> Marvel's Team "Immunit?, Infection, Vaccination"
> IFR128 (Biosciences Lyon Gerland)
> 21, Av. Tony Garnier
> Phone : + 33 (0)4 37 28 23 47
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> Mail : stephane.schicklin at inserm.fr <mailto:stephane.schicklin at="" inserm.fr="">