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Luz G Alonso
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear J Zhang,
I'm a PhD student.
I was looking for a package that provides functions to identify
minimum common
genomic regions of interests based on segmented copy number data from
multiple samples. I've found yours could be very useful for me.
Your Manual shows how to generate the segment data based on raw data
DNAcopy package, and then, use these segment data (as a DNAcopy class
as the input to the cghMCR function. My problem is I've generated the
list using other method. This segment list has the same parameters
than the
segment list you use as example (called "segData") but it is a data
object, not a DNAcopy object like "segData".
How could I apply cghMCR and MCR functions using my R data frame?
There is
some method to get a DNAcopy class object from my segment list?
Luz G Alonso lgarcia at cipf.es
PhD Student
Bioinformatics and Genomics Department
Centro de Investigaciones Principe Felipe
Avda. Autopista Saler 16,
46012 Valencia, Spain
Phone: +34 96 328 96 80
Fax: +34 96 328 97 01