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qinghua xu
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear all,
I have identified two lists of differential expressed gene from the
same expression data but treated with different normalisation
methods. List A contains 995 genes and list B contains 2400 genes.
More than nine hundreds genes are overlapped between two lists,
namely most of genes in list A are also included in list B. The idea
is to check whether list B is better than list A.
In addition to visualisation approach (like hierarchical clustering
heatmap) or biological interpretations, I am wondering is there any
other statistical approach available to compare two differential
expressed gene lists?
I would appreciate any advice, or pointers to any references for this!
----- 转åé®ä»¶ ----
åä»¶äººï¼ qinghua xu <xy0702cy@yahoo.com.cn>
æ¶ä»¶äººï¼ Francois Pepin <fpepin@cs.mcgill.ca>;
æ éï¼ qinghua.xu@as.biomerieux.com
åéæ¥æï¼ 2009/12/18 (å¨äº) 10:55:11 ä¸å
主 é¢ï¼ åå¤ï¼ åå¤ï¼ [BioC] : Patent issues of
classification algorithms
Dear Francois,
Thank you so much for this very helpful information. It is good to
know that there is no patent concern for the basic classification
methods. At this moment, our goal is just to pulish some results of
microarray study, rather than commercializing a test. Not yet.
As working in an IVD company, I was reminded to be careful with
intellectual property protection issue.
Thanks again!
åä»¶äººï¼ Francois Pepin <fpepin@cs.mcgill.ca>
æ éï¼ bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch; Sean Davis
<seandavi@gmail.com>; qinghua.xu@as.biomerieux.com
åéæ¥æï¼ 2009/12/16 (å¨ä¸) 3:00:41 ä¸å
主 é¢ï¼ Re: [BioC] : Patent issues of classification algorithms
Dear Qinghua,
I don't think you should concern yourself too much with patents on
classification methods.
Yes, there might be lots of SVM patents in a biomedical field, but the
basic method for SVM is not patented and the same is true for almost
other methods.
Unless something malicious was going on, the license field should tell
you if there is anything you should worry about. For example, the
siggenes packages says that a paid license is needed for non-academic
But as I said, I don't think any of the basic classification methods
R (including in e0171) are patented and I would not worry about it in
If you were planning on commercializing a test, it could be worth
checking more heavily about it. I would expect those patents are of
sort, using genes X,Y,Z with this algorithm with these parameters to
solve this problem. Just using the same algorithm would probably not
covered by those patents. Still, if there is money at stake, you would
be better off contacting someone specialized in the field.
On 12/14/2009 10:49 PM, qinghua xu wrote:
> Dear Sean,
[[elided Yahoo spam]]
> I think the main concernà is not the citation issue.à That should
be OK. I have rapidly checked the "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" under
whichà R packages are released. If I understand correctly, it is more
about COPYING, DISTRIBUTIONÃ and MODIFICATION program itself, rather
than the outputs fromà using program.
> Takeà the famous package (e0171) as an example. Without doubt,à it
is under the licence GPL-2, however, IÃ also find massive patentsÃ
of SVM application in the biomedical field.ÃÂ Maybe, it is rather a
question for intellectual property protection specialists.
> Thanks again!
> Qinghua
> ________________________________
> Ã¥â件人: Sean Davis<seandavi@gmail.com>
> æŠâ éâ¬Ã¯Â¼Å¡ bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch;
> Ã¥âéâ¬Ã¦â¥æş: 2009/12/14 (Ã¥â¨ä¸â¬) 8:38:58
> 主 é¢Ë: Re: [BioC] Patent issues of classification
>> Dear all,
>> I would like to know is there any patent related concern when try
to publish a microarray study using different classification
algorithms, like KNNs, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and so
> [[elided Yahoo spam]]
> A couple of places to look:
> In the DESCRIPTION of each package available for R, there is a
> line that may be useful for determining the license under which the
> software is released.ÃÂ More importantly, though, is probably the
> citation() entry, which gives the citations for the package that
> should be cited if the package is used in a publication.
> As for patents, I'm not sure how important that is from a user
> perspective; perhaps others want to comment here.
> Sean
> ________________________________
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