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Hui-Yi Chu
Last seen 10.2 years ago
Dear list,
I have one question regarding microarray data comparisons using
yeast whole genome chips.
Here are my samples: strains-- WT vs mut, each of them has Total RNA
as T), translating mRNA (named as P), non-translating mRNA (named as
NP) and
goes to each chip. Therefore, the final numbers of chips are 2
(strains) X 3
(3 different RNAs) X 2 (repeat) = 12.
I have done analyses of WT vs mut with three different RNAs
However, my boss wanted me to compare the values of T-P in WT vs mut.
Theoretically*, the outcome should be similar as results from NP
So, I tricked those normalized dataset in the following steps:
1. import .cel files ( only T and P, no NP)
2. Normalize by RMA
3. convert logged values to unlogged values
4. execute T-P for each strain
5. "shift" values by addition of a fixed values. ( to avoid negative
6. log values obtained from step5
7. Scale the dataset (now the values are named as NP2)
8. execute limma to analyze dataset (WT_NP2 vs mut_NP2)
(ps. step 3-7 are trying to subtract P signals from Total-RNA signals)
Unfortunately, even I do get DEGs, but they are not existing in my
I know this analysis may not make sense in statistic, but at least I
want to
know if there is any explanation for these data.
Any comments or suggestions are really appreciated!!!
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