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Paul Geeleher
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I'm running the following command to download an ArrayExpress dataset:
"rawMrnaSet <- ArrayExpress("E-UCON-1", rawcol = list(R="Feature
Extraction Software:rMeanSignal", G="Feature Extraction
Software:gMeanSignal", Rb="Feature Extraction Software:rBGMeanSignal",
Gb="Feature Extraction Software:gBGMeanSignal" ))"
The data downloads and builds the object but I get the following errir
at the end:
"Cannot attach phenoData to the object as the Array Data File column
of the sdrf file contains duplicated elements."
The sdrf file is located here:
I'm wondering what exactly is wrong with the file and how I can fix
this? Also note that the sdrf file has 614 rows but there is only 307
samples, I wonder if this is normal for two-channel data like this and
if ArrayExpress "knows" what to do with it?
Paul Geeleher
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics
National University of Ireland