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qPCR Platform - the reference in real-t…
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Dear researcher,
dear Gene Quantification page reader,
Dear researcher,
dear Gene Quantification page reader,
Our newsletter informs about the latest events in qPCR which are
compiled and summarised on Events.gene-quantification.info
Symposia, Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Online-Seminars,
qPCR Education Program, ...etc....
Please submit your qPCR event here => events@gene-
- End of the Year Promotion: 30% discount to miRNA and Biostatistics
courses hold in 2009 at BioEPS / TATAA Biocenter Germany
- qPCR events in autumn 2009 & winter 2010
November 2009 - US qPCR Symposium
January 2010 - Advances in Genomics 2010
April 2010 - qPCR 2010 in Vienna
- New molecular diagnostics qPCR/real-time PCR discussion forum:
blogspot & LinkedIN & XING
- New qPCR events in autumn 2009: symposia & workshops
=> http://events.gene-quantification.info/
European wide qPCR application workshops => register now !
=> course program autumn 2009 & winter 2010
=> http://www.gene-quantification.de/bioeps-courses-autumn-2009.pdf
Upcoming Events World-wide academic and commercial qPCR Events
Symposia, Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Online-Seminars,
qPCR Education Program, etc.
Please submit your qPCR event here => events@gene-
qPCR 2010 in Vienna
international qPCR Symposium
7-9th April 2010
Main Topic The ongoing evolution of qPCR download updated 2nd
announcement as PDF
=> http://www.bioeps.com/qpcr2010/Vienna-qPCR-2010-2nd-
The great international interest of the previous International qPCR
Events from 2004 to 2009 with up to 600 participants from over 40
countries, and 32 international companies in the Exhibition motivates
repeating the success next year in Vienna - qPCR 2010 Vienna
international symposium 7th 9th April 2010. The focus of the qPCR
2010 Event will be The ongoing evolution of qPCR representing all
new and emerging techniques, applications and data analysis methods.
MIQE Gudelines, HRM, microRNA, CNV, single-cell qPCR, digital PCR, and
analysis of circulating nucleic acids will be in the focus of the
The talks topics by the keynote lecturer and selected invited academic
speakers will be published in a METHODS special qPCR issue with the
title The ongoing evolution of qPCR, at the meeting in cooperation
with Elsevier.
Why Vienna? The Vienna region is Austrias largest life sciences
location. The Austrian government and the City of Vienna set up a
biotechnology network (LISA VR www.lisavr.at) with the aim of having
one central body to provide support and advice to start-ups and high-
tech companies in the biotec field. Currently 175 life science
companies employ 11,000 people in the greater Vienna region. In
addition an estimated 4,500 academic researchers work in the life
science sector. Vienna is the economic and biotechnology hub for
Central and Eastern Europe and has become an innovative center for the
life science in recent years.
The event is structured in two parts:
1) an international qPCR Symposium taking place April 7 - 9,
including various talk sessions in the big lecture hall fitting 350
2) a parallel qPCR Industrial Exhibition in the Aula and the Basement
of the Juridicum (Juridicum der Universität Wien) directly in the city
center of Vienna.
Visit our conference web page and have a look to our exhibition =>
Register and submit your abstract now =>
Symposium Sessions with preliminary titles:
MIQE and QM strategies in qPCR
The MIQE guidelines: Minimum Information for Publication of
Quantitative real-time PCR Experiments. Following these guidelines
will encourage better experimental practice, allowing more reliable
and unequivocal interpretation of qPCR results. QM strategies in real-
time PCR to guarantee better and more valid results.
Prof. Stephen Bustin, The MIQE Guidelines: Minimum Information for
Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments
High throughput quantitative PCR digital PCR
384 well applications, new high throughput platforms, droplet PCR,
qPCR robotics, digital PCR, gene expression real-time RT-PCR arrays
(mRNA and microRNA), quantitative multiplexing,
Prof. Mikael Kubista, Digital PCR and intracellular expression
Dr. Philip Day, High throughput droplet PCR
Dr. Ken Livak, "title to be announced"
HRM High Resolution Melting
SNP analysis, HRM = high resolution melt applications, Epigenetics,
methylation markers, HRM platform comparison, etc
Prof. Carl Wittwer, "High Resolution Melting Analysis"
Prof. Claudio Orlando, High Resolution Melting Analysis in Cancer
Circulating nucleic acids
Analysis of circulating RNAs and DNA and microRNAs as diagnostic and
prognostic marker,
Dr. Pamela Pinzani, Cell free circulating DNA
Dr. Alfred Schöller, "Targeting the human urine RNAome for tumor
diagnostics by qPCR
Dr. Jim Huggett, "Diagnostic tools for measuring cell free nucleic
acids. What can we expect from the next decade?
Single-cell qPCR
Single-cell sampling, pre-amplification techniques, laser
microdissection, sub-cellular PCR, micro-manipulation of cell
clusters, cellular micro injection, FACS spotting, single cell
handling, pre-amplification
Dr. Michael W. Pfaffl, Quantitative expression analysis after pre-
amp in single WBCs
Dr. Anders Stahlberg, Single-cell gene expression profiling
RNAi - microRNA - siRNA Applications miRNA normalisation
RNAi mechanism, microRNA extraction, qRT-PCR technologies to detect
microRNA, microRNA normalisation strategies, siRNA applications in
combination with qRT-PCR, microRNA targets and microRNA precursors,
new siRNA manipulation and microRNA technologies, ...
Prof. Jo Vandesompele, MicroRNA and mRNA gene expression
Dr. Mirco Castoldi, "Expression profiling of microRNA by quantitative
real time PCR, what is available and where to go from there"
qPCR BioStatistics & BioInformatics
software applications, data mining, calculation of relative
expression, primer and probe design on mRNA and microRNA level, real-
time PCR efficiency determination, mathematical modelling,
multivariate expression profiling, statistics in real-time PCR, data
management, multiway expression profiling, multiple regression
analysis, 3D data visualization, ...
Dr. Ales Tichopad, Statistical aspects of quantitative PCR
experiment design and qPCR data analysis
Dr. Jan Hellemans, Accurate and objective copy number profiling
using real-time quantitative PCR
Dr. Anders Bergkvist, Expression profiling - clusters of
BioEPS GmbH / TATAA Biocenter Germany - qPCR Application workshops
At the TATAA Biocenter Germany we offer qPCR application workshops, a
3-day qPCR Core Module and a 2-day qPCR Biostatistics Module. All
courses are held regularly in Göteborg, Sweden, in English and in
Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, in German and English, and in Prague,
Czech Republic in English and Czech.
Depending on the occasion the workshop language and the different
prices may apply. Further customized workshops and specialized
trainings will be held as well across Europe and world-wide.
TATAA Biocenter Germany workshops are held in cooperation with BioEPS
GmbH, located at the campus of the Technical University of Munich, in
Freising-Weihenstephan, very close to the Munich Airport (MUC). For
more information and registration, please see our web page:
=> http://TATAA.gene-quantification.info/
Course Occasions 2009:
- 3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.)
- 2-day BioStatistics Module (Thu. - Fri.)
- 3-day single-cell qPCR Module (Mon. - Wed.)
- 3-day microRNA Module (Mon. - Wed.)
26 - 28 October 2009 (E) 3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.)
16 - 20 November 2009 (E) 3-day microRNA Module (Mon. - Wed.) & 2-day
BioStatistics (Thu. - Fri.)
7 - 11 December 2009 (E) 3-day qPCR Core Module (Mon. - Wed.) &
2-day BioStatistics (Thu. - Fri.)
=> http://www.gene-quantification.de/bioeps-courses-autumn-2009.pdf
The qPCR NEWS and the Gene Quantification Pages are educational sites
with the only purpose of facilitating access to qPCR related
information on the internet. The qPCR NEWS and the Gene
Quantification Pages are edited by Michael W. Pfaffl. Copyright ©
2005 - 2009 All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction,
or transfer of this message or its contents, in any medium, is
strictly prohibited. Disclaimer & Copyrights are displayed on the
homepage www.gene-quantification.com
The qPCR newsletter was end to bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch
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would like to receive future issues FREE of charge, please send an
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