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Baranes-Bachar, Keren NIH/NCI [V]
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I'm a NIH scientists that is doing a HTS experiment and I'm using your
Cell HTS2 software to analyze our results.
I'm doing two different experiments with 2 repeats for each of them. I
want to combine the results and thought to try the batch function.
Currently, I'm doing per plate normalization and no variance
adjustment. I would like to do batch variance adjust, but I'm
uncertain as to what this will do to the normalized results. Could you
please provide me with a general explanation of variance adjustment,
what it does and why?
Additionally, when I add the batch number to the plate list and ask
the program to do a variance adjust by batch, we get the following
> x <- configure(x,
+ descripFile="Description.txt",
+ confFile="Plateconf.txt",
+ path=dataPath)
> xn <- normalizePlates(x,
+ scale="multiplicative",
+ log=FALSE,
+ method="median",
+ varianceAdjust="byBatch")
Error in adjustVariancebyBatch(<s4 object="" of="" class="" "cellhts"="">) :
'batch' should have dimensions 'Features x Samples x Channels' (768
x 4 x 1).
In addition: Warning message:
In dim(bb) != d :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
The error is not in the platelist file because the program identifies
the different batches:
> batch(x)
replicate1 replicate2 replicate3 replicate4
plate1 1 1 2 2
plate2 1 1 2 2
Could you help me solve this error?
Also, please add any example scripts of a variance adjustment by batch
and an explanation.
Thank you in advance,
Keren Baranes Bachar
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