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Last seen 10.4 years ago
If I got it right dataset "hsSeqs" (from microRNA package) has the
same content as file "mature.fa" that can be downloaded from MirBase
for Homo Sapiens miRNA identifiers and sequences. Whereas dataset
"hsTargets" contains all target genes for Homo Sapiens miRNAs listed
in file "mature.fa" but also for those listed in file
"maturestar.fa" ???
My purpose is to gather all Homo Sapiens validated miRNAs together
with their relative target genes 3UTR sequences,
Therefore, if I am guessing right, I can as well use Homo Sapiens
subset of files "mature.fa" and "maturestar.fa" and work this out
together with dataset "hsTargets" and on-line bioMart for the
transcripts sequence. Am I right ?
Thank you so much.
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Peter Robinson [mailto:peter.robinson@charite.de]
Inviato: lun 19/10/2009 14.42
A: mauede@alice.it
Cc: cwon2@fhcrc.org; Bioconductor List
Oggetto: Re: [BioC] difference between "hsa-miR-xxx" and "hsa-miR-
mauede@alice.it wrote:
> I'd like to figure out the difference between validated miRNAs whose
identifiers only differ by a "*".
See the following from miRbase
When the relative abundancies clearly indicate which is the
predominantly expressed miRNA, the mature sequences are assigned names
of the form miR-56 (the predominant product) and miR-56* (from the
opposite arm of the precursor).
Note that the targets of the *-version are generally different from
of the predominant product.
> I downloaded the miRNA datasets "hsSeqs" and "hsTargets" and
noticed that none of the miRNA identifiers
> in dataset "hsSeqs" contains the character "*" whereas many miRNA
identifiers in dataset "hsTargets" end with
> the character "*". I checked a couple of them and found out that
the set of Ensembl-Transcript_Identifiers for
> "hsa-miR-18a" and the set of Ensembl-Transcript_Identifiers for
"hsa-miR-18a*" are disjoined.
> Therefore "hsa-miR-18a" and "hsa-miR-18a*" seem to be two
different entities. I wonder whether
> "hsa-miR-18a" and "hsa-miR-18a*" share the same sequence even if
apparently they bind to different
> gene transcripts.
> My naive question is:
> how can I find the sequence of those miRNAs whose identifier ends
with a "*" given that none of the miRNA identifiers in dataset
"hsSeqs" contain a "*" ?
> In short, I kind of realized that "hsa-miR-xxx*" is an evolution
of "hsa-miR-xxx".
> But when it comes to dig out the 3UTR sequences of the relative
targets which one of the two versions ( "hsa-miR-xxx" or "hsa-miR-
xxx*" ) shall I ascribe them to ?
> Thank you in advance for your attention.
> Maura
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Dr. med. Peter N. Robinson, MSc.
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