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Massimo Pinto
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I have encountered a series of warning messages when copying indices
into a vector of integers. Specifically:
> Geni_GO_0033554_CM3.ctr3 <-
as.integer(unlist(geneIdsByCategory(hgOver.6, "GO:0033554"), use.names
[1] 100133315 10714 1112 11198 1643 2237
26057 27113 4913 50484 5429 57697 5796
5885 7516 8445
> myrows<- integer(length=length(Geni_GO_0033554_CM3.ctr3))
+ for (i in 0:length(Geni_GO_0033554_CM3.ctr3)) {
+ myrows[i] <- which(Age_LNGSVsISS.topTable.2k[,
"mappings.Sub.ENTREZID"] == Geni_GO_0033554_CM3.ctr3[i])
+ }
Warning messages:
1: In myrows[i] <- which(Age_LNGSVsISS.topTable.2k[,
"mappings.Sub.ENTREZID"] == :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
2: In myrows[i] <- which(Age_LNGSVsISS.topTable.2k[,
"mappings.Sub.ENTREZID"] == :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
3: In myrows[i] <- which(Age_LNGSVsISS.topTable.2k[,
"mappings.Sub.ENTREZID"] == :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
4: In myrows[i] <- which(Age_LNGSVsISS.topTable.2k[,
"mappings.Sub.ENTREZID"] == :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I have looked into a former discussion on this list
but could not find the reason for getting an error in my case.
Apparently, I am not missing any item of those that I wish to copy;
still, I am getting a warning and would prefer to clarify this matter.
Thank you all in advance,
sessionInfo follows:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26)
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] GO.db_2.2.11 hgug4112a.db_2.2.11 limma_2.18.0
GOstats_2.10.0 RSQLite_0.7-1 DBI_0.2-4
graph_1.22.2 Category_2.10.0
[9] AnnotationDbi_1.6.0 Biobase_2.4.1
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] GSEABase_1.6.0 RBGL_1.20.0 XML_2.3-0
annotate_1.22.0 genefilter_1.24.0 splines_2.9.1 survival_2.35-4
tools_2.9.1 xtable_1.5-5
Massimo Pinto
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Enrico Fermi Centre and Italian Public Health Research Institute
(ISS), Rome