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santana sarma
Last seen 10.3 years ago
Hi All,
Having applied ONE clustering method separately to TWO (similar) type
datasets, I wonder how
a) I can determine where the method worked better (not merely
based on
visualizing the plots)!
b) I can retrieve the clusters along with their respective
For example: if two clusters A & B are found and the clusters contain
different genes, how to access & save the genes of A and B.
# Hierarchical clustering
Genes <- read.csv (file="xy.csv", header = TRUE)
Genes_2 <- read.csv (file="ab.csv", header = TRUE)
Hierarchy1 <- clust.cor.patient <- hclust(as.dist(1 - cor(Genes)),
method =
Hierarchy2 <-clust.cor.genes <- hclust(as.dist(1 - cor(Genes_2)),
method =
## I tried k-means too, using the following simple codes. But again,
if it is possible to know in which dataset the method worked better.
kmeans.Genes.fit <- kmeans (Genes, 2)
kmeans.Genes_2.fit <- kmeans (Genes_2, 2)
# table (kmeans.Genes.fit$cluster); table (kmeans.Genes_2.fit$cluster)
Thanks a lot.
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