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Md.Mamunur Rashid
Last seen 10.4 years ago
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Creating LumiBatch object from ExpressionSet
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 13:53:42 +0100
From: Md.Mamunur Rashid <mamunur.rashid@kcl.ac.uk>
To: Pan Du <dupan at="" northwestern.edu="">, "bioconductor at
<bioconductor at="" stat.math.ethz.ch="">
Dear Dr. Pan Du,
Thanks for your reply.I am looking at the gene filter package. Hope I
can find out a way around.
The data I have, does contain detection column (column names :
"Detection - 4765967022_A"......).
I am using lumiR("file-name.txt",detectionTh = 0.01)function to read
the file. But the
> pData(featureData(norm_object))$presentCount always return null
Is there anything special needed to be done to bring the detection
information to the lumi Object??
I have also tried :
data_raw<- lumiR("Aneurist_Sample_Probe_Profile_Modified.txt",convertN
uID=FALSE,inputAnnotation=FALSE, columnNameGrepPattern =
list(exprs='AVG_SIGNAL', se.exprs='BEAD_STD', detection='Detection',
I have a attached a snapshot of the data with the email ("showing the
detection column"). please have a look.
*** This is a Illumina HumanHT12 chip data (produced by bead-studio)
with 96 samples.
While pre-processing the raw data I only have the following warning:
" There is no control probe information in the LumiBatch object
No background adjustment will be performed.
Do you think this might have any significance in the above context.???
Thanks in advance for your valuable help.
Md.Mamunur Rashid
On 09/08/2009 04:21 PM, Pan Du wrote:
> Hi Mamun
> For Illumina microarray, the detection p-value basically represents
> whether the probe intensity is significant higher than the
> level (estimated based on the distribution of the negative control
> probes.). When the p-value is lower than some threshold, for
> 0.05, we can claim this probe is ?Present?. If no measurement is
> ?Present? for the probe, we usually consider it is not interest in
> analysis and can be prefiltered. Since your data has no detection
> p-value information, you have to use other prefiltering method, such
> as those defined in genefilter package.
> For your second question, I am not sure what exactly your question
> I read your attached document. It looks fine for me.
> Pan
> On 9/7/09 9:34 AM, "Md.Mamunur Rashid" <mamunur.rashid at="" kcl.ac.uk="">
> Dear Dr. Pan Du,
> Thanks for your response. Please accept my apology for replying
> late. The object AP seems a numeric list of all the genes
> detection values
> (mean from all samples).Can you please give a bit further
> elaboration about
> how "AP" can be used to extract the genes expressed under
> threshold ???
> More over a have few more questions. I would be really helpful
> you can give
> me some suggestions regarding the problems.
> I am working with a set of illumina microarray data (96 samples)
> from three groups
> (i.e. group-1(X),group-2(Y),group-3(Z)). 32 samples from each
> I have read the data using lumiR method and processed the data
> using lumi Methods.(lumiE)
> Now I need to identify the differentially expressed genes by
> comparing each of these groups
> with each other. I am using linear model in limma package and
> topTable method to identify
> top N differentially expressed genes.(please have a look at the
> attachments).
> ***I have attached a file containing (1. The code, 2. result of
> the top-table, 3. Array weights
> Thanks in advance.
> regards,
> mamun
> Sincerely,
> Md.Mamunur Rashid
> On 07/31/2009 05:16 PM, Pan Du wrote:
> Hi Md.Mamunur,
> Functions lumiQ and detectionCall does not support
> ExpressionSet objects
> because they need some information not included in
> ExpressionSet class by
> default. For example, both detectionCall and lumiQ function
> need to use the
> data matrix included in the "detection".
> If you ExpressionSet object do include "detection", here is
> the alternative
> way to estimate number of detection calls of each probe:
> detect <- get('detection', assayData(lumi.T))
> ## suppose you claim p-value less than 0.05 as a detection
> AP <- rowSums(detect <= 0.05)
> Hope this is helpful to you,
> Pan