In the limma manual, 27 October 2003, near the bottom of page 3, the
output from the command
topTable(fit, n=30, adjust="fdr")
shows a column "A".
Block Row Column ID Name M A t P.Value B
3721 8 2 1 control BMP2 -2.21 12.1 -21.1 0.000357 7.96
1609 4 2 1 control BMP2 -2.30 13.1 -20.3 0.000357 7.78
However, the help for toptable specifies "A" as an input parameter.
How did the "A" column appear in the output when it was not specified
as an input argument?
Thanks much,
Richard P. Beyer, Ph.D. University of Washington
Tel.:(206) 616 7378 Env. & Occ. Health Sci. , Box 354695
Fax: (206) 685 4696 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, # 100
Seattle, WA 98105-6099
The lmFit function calculates an average log intensity (A)
across the arrays (from MA$A) and this is then stored within the
fit object (as fit$Amean). The fit object passed to topTable
contains a number of useful attributes. Try typing
By typing "topTable", you can see the R code for this function
which calls the toptable function, with A = fit$Amean.
Similarly, typing "lmFit", shows:
fit$Amean <- rowMeans(unwrapdups(as.matrix(object$A),
ndups = ndups, spacing = spacing), na.rm = TRUE)
You can use names(fit) to check the names of the attributes
in the fit object.
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Dick Beyer wrote:
> In the limma manual, 27 October 2003, near the bottom of page 3, the
output from the command
> topTable(fit, n=30, adjust="fdr")
> shows a column "A".
> Block Row Column ID Name M A t P.Value B
> 3721 8 2 1 control BMP2 -2.21 12.1 -21.1 0.000357 7.96
> 1609 4 2 1 control BMP2 -2.30 13.1 -20.3 0.000357 7.78
> However, the help for toptable specifies "A" as an input parameter.
> How did the "A" column appear in the output when it was not
specified as an input argument?
> Thanks much,
> Dick