labRow function in KEGG2heatmap
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Lina Cekaite ▴ 40
Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hi, I wonder if anyone has used labRow function with success in KEGG2heatmap? I want to have GeneSymbols instead of ProbeIds on a heatmap. I manage to get the heatmap with GeneSymbols by using mget function however they were missmapped and didn't match the probeIds. geneSymbl <- mget(featureNames(CRCsubset_map_Q_unique), envir=AB1700sp2SYMBOL) KEGG2heatmap("05210", CRCsubset_map_Q_unique, data = "AB1700sp2", cexRow=0.6, cexCol=1, col=map_colour, xlab="Samples", ylab="Genes", labRow=geneSymbl, ColSideColors=colr,main=paste("KEGG pathway:Colorectal cancer") ) Is there anyway that I can heatmap&geneSymbols without getting back to kegg pathway, making kegg-eset and using labRow in heatmap2? Thanks for any help. Lina [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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SAURIN ★ 1.1k
Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hi Lina, I wrote this long time ago but it still works great. It will generate all heatmaps automatically. If only one Gene is involved in KEGG will generate DOT plot with that gene's intensity. # Input: expression matrix, chip environments # output: heatmaps of all the pathways for all the genes in expression matrix #About Pathway to HEATMAP # Variable explanation: # esetSub2 = expression matirx # esetSub2X = exprs(esetSub2) # chiptype = annotation found from GeneChip, here 'hgu95a' # envPath2Probes = Environment # e.g. # envGeneNames <- hgu95aGENENAME; # envPath2Probes <- hgu95aPATH2PROBE; # Generate Pathway Heatmap   All_DE_Pathway <- aafPathway(featureNames(esetSub2), chiptype);   unique(sapply(All_DE_Pathway, length));   pathlist <-"c", All_DE_Pathway);   pathL <- length(pathlist);   pathmatrix <- sapply(pathlist, attributes);   pathnamesX <- unique(t(pathmatrix));   kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes);   pathRow <-  as.numeric(nrow(pathnamesX));   if(pathL >=1)   {     for(i in 1:pathRow)     {       pathID <- pathnamesX[,"id"][i];       pathID <- as.character(unlist(pathID));       pathName <- as.character(unlist(pathnamesX[,"name"][i]));       pathName <- trimWhiteSpace(pathName);       pathName <- sub("/", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub("  ", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub("   ", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub("-", "_", pathName);       pathFile <- paste("Pathway",pathName,".jpeg",sep = "_");       pathSub <- paste(pathName,"Legend: Red = High, Blue = Low, White = Medium",sep = "  ");       pathSub <- paste("Date of Analysis:",date(),pathSub,sep = "  ");       Pathway2Heatmap(pathID,pathFile,pathSub); # check out the function below     }   } # if ends here # ########################################################### Pathway2Heatmap <- function(pathway,file,Hsub) {   kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes);   pathProbes <- as.matrix(kegg[[pathway]]); # genes extracted from pathway   esetSub2Genes <- as.matrix(featureNames(esetSub2));   temp <- as.matrix(rbind(unique(esetSub2Genes),unique(pathProbes)));   temp1 <- as.matrix(temp[ as.matrix(duplicated(temp,))]);   exp2 <- esetSub2[temp1];   exp2X <-  exprs(exp2);   pathDEGenes <- as.matrix(featureNames(exp2));   pathDEGeneNames <- mget(unique(pathDEGenes),env = envGeneNames,ifnotfound="No Annotation For this Probe");   row.names(exp2X) <- pathDEGeneNames;   colnames(exp2X) <- samples;   if (nrow(exp2X) > 1)   {     jpeg(filename= file,width=2000,height=2000);     row.dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(t(exp2X)));     Hsub <- c("Generated by EXAMPLE");     gmpalette <- bluered(64); heatmap.2(exp2X,col=gmpalette,Colv= FALSE,Rowv = as.dendrogram(hclust(row.dist,method="centroid")),scale="row",key=TRUE ,keysize=0.60,symkey=FALSE,"none",trace="none",margins=c( 5,85),cexRow=1,cexCol=1, sub=Hsub,cex.sub=1); = dev.cur());     print("Pathway Heat map done");   }#if ####  if(nrow(exp2X) == 1)   {   dotchart(exp2X);   p_t <- paste(Hsub,"Gene:",pathDEGeneNames,sep = " ");   title(sub = p_t,cex.sub = 1);;  } ##### }#pathway2heatmap ########################################################### Saurin --- On Tue, 9/1/09, Lina Cekaite <> wrote: From: Lina Cekaite <> Subject: [BioC] labRow function in KEGG2heatmap To: Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 1:10 PM Hi, I wonder if anyone has used labRow function with success in KEGG2heatmap? I want to have GeneSymbols instead of ProbeIds on a heatmap. I manage to get the heatmap with GeneSymbols by using mget function however they were missmapped and didn't match the probeIds. geneSymbl <- mget(featureNames(CRCsubset_map_Q_unique), envir=AB1700sp2SYMBOL) KEGG2heatmap("05210", CRCsubset_map_Q_unique, data = "AB1700sp2", cexRow=0.6, cexCol=1, col=map_colour, xlab="Samples", ylab="Genes", labRow=geneSymbl, ColSideColors=colr,main=paste("KEGG pathway:Colorectal cancer") ) Is there anyway that I can heatmap&geneSymbols without getting back to kegg pathway, making kegg-eset and using labRow in heatmap2? Thanks for any help. Lina     [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _______________________________________________ Bioconductor mailing list Search the archives: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Hi Saurin, Yes, I found your old script then I google KEGG2heatmap and I tried it. However I got en error point out to SlotAssignment and I didn't manage to fix it. I'm working with AB dataset (not affy) and made an annotation library using AnnotationDbi and it works fine with probe IDs. > ls("package:AB1700sp2.db") [1] "AB1700sp2" "AB1700sp2_dbconn" "AB1700sp2_dbfile" [4] "AB1700sp2_dbInfo" "AB1700sp2_dbschema" "AB1700sp2ACCNUM" [7] "AB1700sp2ALIAS2PROBE" "AB1700sp2CHR" "AB1700sp2CHRLENGTHS" [10] "AB1700sp2CHRLOC" "AB1700sp2CHRLOCEND" "AB1700sp2ENSEMBL" [13] "AB1700sp2ENSEMBL2PROBE" "AB1700sp2ENTREZID" "AB1700sp2ENZYME" [16] "AB1700sp2ENZYME2PROBE" "AB1700sp2GENENAME" "AB1700sp2GO" [19] "AB1700sp2GO2ALLPROBES" "AB1700sp2GO2PROBE" "AB1700sp2MAP" [22] "AB1700sp2MAPCOUNTS" "AB1700sp2OMIM" "AB1700sp2ORGANISM" [25] "AB1700sp2PATH" "AB1700sp2PATH2PROBE" "AB1700sp2PFAM" [28] "AB1700sp2PMID" "AB1700sp2PMID2PROBE" "AB1700sp2PROSITE" [31] "AB1700sp2REFSEQ" "AB1700sp2SYMBOL" "AB1700sp2UNIGENE" [34] "AB1700sp2UNIPROT" > esetSub2 = CRCsubset_map_Q_unique > esetSub2 ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment) assayData: 14354 features, 50 samples element names: exprs, se.exprs phenoData sampleNames: A1_PT, A17_PT, ..., A54_NT (50 total) varLabels and varMetadata description: samplename: read from file assayname: read from file group: read from file featureData featureNames: 160832, 105812, ..., 221132 (14354 total) fvarLabels and fvarMetadata description: none experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)' Annotation: AB1700sp2 > esetSub2X = exprs(esetSub2) > chiptype ='AB1700sp2.db' > envGeneNames <- AB1700sp2SYMBOL; > envPath2Probes <- AB1700sp2PATH2PROBE; > > source("R:\\gsea\\Pathway2Heatmap.R") > # Generate Pathway Heatmap > All_DE_Pathway <- aafPathway(featureNames(esetSub2), chiptype); > unique(sapply(All_DE_Pathway, length)); [1] 0 2 1 3 4 11 8 5 6 7 12 9 13 18 25 16 20 10 27 19 14 17 28 26 21 32 15 24 > pathlist <-"c", All_DE_Pathway); > pathL <- length(pathlist); > pathmatrix <- sapply(pathlist, attributes); > pathnamesX <- unique(t(pathmatrix)); > kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes); > pathRow <- as.numeric(nrow(pathnamesX)); > if(pathL >=1) + { + for(i in 1:pathRow) + { + pathID <- pathnamesX[,"id"][i]; + pathID <- as.character(unlist(pathID)); + + pathName <- as.character(unlist(pathnamesX[,"name"][i])); + pathName <- trimWhiteSpace(pathName); + pathName <- sub("/", "_", pathName); + pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); + pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); + pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); + pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); + pathName <- sub("-", "_", pathName); + pathFile <- paste("Pathway",pathName,".jpeg",sep = "_"); + pathSub <- paste(pathName,"Legend: Red = High, Blue = Low, White = + Medium",sep = " "); + pathSub <- paste("Date of Analysis:",date(),pathSub,sep = " "); + + Pathway2Heatmap(pathID,pathFile,pathSub); # check out the function below + } + + } # if ends here Error in checkSlotAssignment(object, name, value) : assignment of an object of class "matrix" is not valid for slot "Lkeys" in an object of class "AnnDbBimap"; is(value, "character") is not TRUE > # > traceback() 12: stop(gettextf("assignment of an object of class \"%s\" is not valid for slot \"%s\" in an object of class \"%s\"; is(value, \"%s\") is not TRUE", class(value), name, class(obj), slotClass), domain = NA) 11: checkSlotAssignment(object, name, value) 10: `slot<-`(object, name, TRUE, value) 9: `@<-`(`*tmp*`, Lkeys, value = c("155638", "105812", "193511")) 8: `Lkeys<-`(x, value) 7: `Lkeys<-`(x, value) 6: switch(as.character(direction(x)), `1` = `Lkeys<-`(x, value), `-1` = `Rkeys<-`(x, value), stop("keys<- is undefined for an undirected bimap")) 5: `keys<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("155638", "105812", "193511")) 4: `keys<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("155638", "105812", "193511")) 3: mget(unique(pathDEGenes), env = envGeneNames, ifnotfound = NA) 2: mget(unique(pathDEGenes), env = envGeneNames, ifnotfound = NA) 1: Pathway2Heatmap(pathID, pathFile, pathSub) Any ideas what is wrong? Thanks in advance... Lina ________________________________ From: Saurin D. Jani [] Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 7:55 PM To:; Lina Cekaite Subject: Re: [BioC] labRow function in KEGG2heatmap Hi Lina, I wrote this long time ago but it still works great. It will generate all heatmaps automatically. If only one Gene is involved in KEGG will generate DOT plot with that gene's intensity. # Input: expression matrix, chip environments # output: heatmaps of all the pathways for all the genes in expression matrix #About Pathway to HEATMAP # Variable explanation: # esetSub2 = expression matirx # esetSub2X = exprs(esetSub2) # chiptype = annotation found from GeneChip, here 'hgu95a' # envPath2Probes = Environment # e.g. # envGeneNames <- hgu95aGENENAME; # envPath2Probes <- hgu95aPATH2PROBE; # Generate Pathway Heatmap All_DE_Pathway <- aafPathway(featureNames(esetSub2), chiptype); unique(sapply(All_DE_Pathway, length)); pathlist <-"c", All_DE_Pathway); pathL <- length(pathlist); pathmatrix <- sapply(pathlist, attributes); pathnamesX <- unique(t(pathmatrix)); kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes); pathRow <- as.numeric(nrow(pathnamesX)); if(pathL >=1) { for(i in 1:pathRow) { pathID <- pathnamesX[,"id"][i]; pathID <- as.character(unlist(pathID)); pathName <- as.character(unlist(pathnamesX[,"name"][i])); pathName <- trimWhiteSpace(pathName); pathName <- sub("/", "_", pathName); pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); pathName <- sub("-", "_", pathName); pathFile <- paste("Pathway",pathName,".jpeg",sep = "_"); pathSub <- paste(pathName,"Legend: Red = High, Blue = Low, White = Medium",sep = " "); pathSub <- paste("Date of Analysis:",date(),pathSub,sep = " "); Pathway2Heatmap(pathID,pathFile,pathSub); # check out the function below } } # if ends here # ########################################################### Pathway2Heatmap <- function(pathway,file,Hsub) { kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes); pathProbes <- as.matrix(kegg[[pathway]]); # genes extracted from pathway esetSub2Genes <- as.matrix(featureNames(esetSub2)); temp <- as.matrix(rbind(unique(esetSub2Genes),unique(pathProbes))); temp1 <- as.matrix(temp[ as.matrix(duplicated(temp,))]); exp2 <- esetSub2[temp1]; exp2X <- exprs(exp2); pathDEGenes <- as.matrix(featureNames(exp2)); pathDEGeneNames <- mget(unique(pathDEGenes),env = envGeneNames,ifnotfound="No Annotation For this Probe"); row.names(exp2X) <- pathDEGeneNames; colnames(exp2X) <- samples; if (nrow(exp2X) > 1) { jpeg(filename= file,width=2000,height=2000); row.dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(t(exp2X))); Hsub <- c("Generated by EXAMPLE"); gmpalette <- bluered(64); heatmap.2(exp2X,col=gmpalette,Colv= FALSE,Rowv = as.dendrogram(hclust(row.dist,method="centroid")),scale="row",key=TRUE ,k eysize=0.60,symkey=FALSE,"none",trace="none",margins=c(5, 85 ),cexRow=1,cexCol=1, sub=Hsub,cex.sub=1); = dev.cur()); print("Pathway Heat map done"); }#if #### if(nrow(exp2X) == 1) { dotchart(exp2X); p_t <- paste(Hsub,"Gene:",pathDEGeneNames,sep = " "); title(sub = p_t,cex.sub = 1);; } ##### }#pathway2heatmap ########################################################### Saurin --- On Tue, 9/1/09, Lina Cekaite <> wrote: From: Lina Cekaite <> Subject: [BioC] labRow function in KEGG2heatmap To: Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 1:10 PM Hi, I wonder if anyone has used labRow function with success in KEGG2heatmap? I want to have GeneSymbols instead of ProbeIds on a heatmap. I manage to get the heatmap with GeneSymbols by using mget function however they were missmapped and didn't match the probeIds. geneSymbl <- mget(featureNames(CRCsubset_map_Q_unique), envir=AB1700sp2SYMBOL) KEGG2heatmap("05210", CRCsubset_map_Q_unique, data = "AB1700sp2", cexRow=0.6, cexCol=1, col=map_colour, xlab="Samples", ylab="Genes", labRow=geneSymbl, ColSideColors=colr,main=paste("KEGG pathway:Colorectal cancer") ) Is there anyway that I can heatmap&geneSymbols without getting back to kegg pathway, making kegg-eset and using labRow in heatmap2? Thanks for any help. Lina [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _______________________________________________ Bioconductor mailing list Search the archives: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Hi Lina, Looks like In pathway heatmap function.. Line below : kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes); is giving you error. Try to store those probes in an list and assing to kegg variable and then execute again. see how it does. your Annotation package is custom so, it is giving you slot error. Saurin --- On Wed, 9/2/09, Lina Cekaite <> wrote: From: Lina Cekaite <> Subject: RE: [BioC] labRow function in KEGG2heatmap To:, Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 5:46 AM Hi Saurin,  Yes, I found your old script then I google KEGG2heatmap and I tried it. However I got en error point out to SlotAssignment and I didn’t manage to fix it. I’m working with AB dataset (not affy) and made an annotation library using AnnotationDbi and it works fine with probe IDs.  >  ls("package:AB1700sp2.db")  [1] "AB1700sp2"             "AB1700sp2_dbconn"      "AB1700sp2_dbfile"      [4] "AB1700sp2_dbInfo"      "AB1700sp2_dbschema"    "AB1700sp2ACCNUM"       [7] "AB1700sp2ALIAS2PROBE"  "AB1700sp2CHR"          "AB1700sp2CHRLENGTHS"  [10] "AB1700sp2CHRLOC"       "AB1700sp2CHRLOCEND"    "AB1700sp2ENSEMBL"     [13] "AB1700sp2ENSEMBL2PROBE" "AB1700sp2ENTREZID"     "AB1700sp2ENZYME"      [16] "AB1700sp2ENZYME2PROBE" "AB1700sp2GENENAME"     "AB1700sp2GO"          [19] "AB1700sp2GO2ALLPROBES" "AB1700sp2GO2PROBE"     "AB1700sp2MAP"         [22] "AB1700sp2MAPCOUNTS"    "AB1700sp2OMIM"         "AB1700sp2ORGANISM"    [25] "AB1700sp2PATH"         "AB1700sp2PATH2PROBE"   "AB1700sp2PFAM"        [28] "AB1700sp2PMID"         "AB1700sp2PMID2PROBE"   "AB1700sp2PROSITE"     [31] "AB1700sp2REFSEQ"       "AB1700sp2SYMBOL"       "AB1700sp2UNIGENE"     [34] "AB1700sp2UNIPROT"      > esetSub2 = CRCsubset_map_Q_unique  > esetSub2 ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment) assayData: 14354 features, 50 samples   element names: exprs, se.exprs phenoData   sampleNames: A1_PT, A17_PT, ..., A54_NT  (50 total)   varLabels and varMetadata description:     samplename: read from file     assayname: read from file     group: read from file featureData   featureNames: 160832, 105812, ..., 221132 (14354 total)   fvarLabels and fvarMetadata description: none experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)' Annotation: AB1700sp2  > esetSub2X = exprs(esetSub2) > chiptype ='AB1700sp2.db' > envGeneNames <- AB1700sp2SYMBOL; > envPath2Probes <- AB1700sp2PATH2PROBE; > > source("R:\\gsea\\Pathway2Heatmap.R") > # Generate Pathway Heatmap >   All_DE_Pathway <- aafPathway(featureNames(esetSub2), chiptype); >   unique(sapply(All_DE_Pathway, length));  [1]  0  2  1  3  4 11 8  5  6  7 12  9 13 18 25 16 20 10 27 19 14 17 28 26 21 32 15 24 >   pathlist <-"c", All_DE_Pathway); >   pathL <- length(pathlist); >   pathmatrix <- sapply(pathlist, attributes); >   pathnamesX <- unique(t(pathmatrix)); >   kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes); >   pathRow <- as.numeric(nrow(pathnamesX)); >   if(pathL >=1) +   { +     for(i in 1:pathRow) +     { +       pathID <- pathnamesX[,"id"][i]; +       pathID <- as.character(unlist(pathID)); + +       pathName <- as.character(unlist(pathnamesX[,"name"][i])); +       pathName <- trimWhiteSpace(pathName); +       pathName <- sub("/", "_", pathName); +       pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); +       pathName <- sub("  ", "_", pathName); +       pathName <- sub("   ", "_", pathName); +       pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName); +       pathName <- sub("-", "_", pathName); +       pathFile <- paste("Pathway",pathName,".jpeg",sep = "_"); +       pathSub <- paste(pathName,"Legend: Red = High, Blue = Low, White = + Medium",sep = "  "); +       pathSub <- paste("Date of Analysis:",date(),pathSub,sep = "  "); + +       Pathway2Heatmap(pathID,pathFile,pathSub); # check out the function below +     } + +   } # if ends here  Error in checkSlotAssignment(object, name, value) :   assignment of an object of class "matrix" is not valid for slot "Lkeys" in an object of class "AnnDbBimap"; is(value, "character") is not TRUE > #  > traceback() 12: stop(gettextf("assignment of an object of class \"%s\" is not valid for slot \"%s\" in an object of class \"%s\"; is(value, \"%s\") is not TRUE",         class(value), name, class(obj), slotClass), domain = NA) 11: checkSlotAssignment(object, name, value) 10: `slot<-`(object, name, TRUE, value) 9: `@<-`(`*tmp*`, Lkeys, value = c("155638", "105812", "193511")) 8: `Lkeys<-`(x, value) 7: `Lkeys<-`(x, value) 6: switch(as.character(direction(x)), `1` = `Lkeys<-`(x, value),        `-1` = `Rkeys<-`(x, value), stop("keys<- is undefined for an undirected bimap")) 5: `keys<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("155638", "105812", "193511")) 4: `keys<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("155638", "105812", "193511")) 3: mget(unique(pathDEGenes), env = envGeneNames, ifnotfound = NA) 2: mget(unique(pathDEGenes), env = envGeneNames, ifnotfound = NA) 1: Pathway2Heatmap(pathID, pathFile, pathSub)  Any ideas what is wrong? Thanks in advance… Lina From: Saurin D. Jani [] Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 7:55 PM To:; Lina Cekaite Subject: Re: [BioC] labRow function in KEGG2heatmap  Hi Lina, I wrote this long time ago but it still works great. It will generate all heatmaps automatically. If only one Gene is involved in KEGG will generate DOT plot with that gene's intensity. # Input: expression matrix, chip environments # output: heatmaps of all the pathways for all the genes in expression matrix #About Pathway to HEATMAP # Variable explanation: # esetSub2 = expression matirx # esetSub2X = exprs(esetSub2) # chiptype = annotation found from GeneChip, here 'hgu95a' # envPath2Probes = Environment # e.g. # envGeneNames <- hgu95aGENENAME; # envPath2Probes <- hgu95aPATH2PROBE; # Generate Pathway Heatmap   All_DE_Pathway <- aafPathway(featureNames(esetSub2), chiptype);   unique(sapply(All_DE_Pathway, length));   pathlist <-"c", All_DE_Pathway);   pathL <- length(pathlist);   pathmatrix <- sapply(pathlist, attributes);   pathnamesX <- unique(t(pathmatrix));   kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes);   pathRow <-  as.numeric(nrow(pathnamesX));   if(pathL >=1)   {     for(i in 1:pathRow)     {       pathID <- pathnamesX[,"id"][i];       pathID <- as.character(unlist(pathID));       pathName <- as.character(unlist(pathnamesX[,"name"][i]));       pathName <- trimWhiteSpace(pathName);       pathName <- sub("/", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub("  ", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub("   ", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub(" ", "_", pathName);       pathName <- sub("-", "_", pathName);       pathFile <- paste("Pathway",pathName,".jpeg",sep = "_");       pathSub <- paste(pathName,"Legend: Red = High, Blue = Low, White = Medium",sep = "  ");       pathSub <- paste("Date of Analysis:",date(),pathSub,sep = "  ");       Pathway2Heatmap(pathID,pathFile,pathSub); # check out the function below     }   } # if ends here # ########################################################### Pathway2Heatmap <- function(pathway,file,Hsub) {   kegg <- as.list(envPath2Probes);   pathProbes <- as.matrix(kegg[[pathway]]); # genes extracted from pathway   esetSub2Genes <- as.matrix(featureNames(esetSub2));   temp <- as.matrix(rbind(unique(esetSub2Genes),unique(pathProbes)));   temp1 <- as.matrix(temp[ as.matrix(duplicated(temp,))]);   exp2 <- esetSub2[temp1];   exp2X <-  exprs(exp2);   pathDEGenes <- as.matrix(featureNames(exp2));   pathDEGeneNames <- mget(unique(pathDEGenes),env = envGeneNames,ifnotfound="No Annotation For this Probe");   row.names(exp2X) <- pathDEGeneNames;   colnames(exp2X) <- samples;   if (nrow(exp2X) > 1)   {     jpeg(filename= file,width=2000,height=2000);     row.dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(t(exp2X)));     Hsub <- c("Generated by EXAMPLE");     gmpalette <- bluered(64); heatmap.2(exp2X,col=gmpalette,Colv= FALSE,Rowv = as.dendrogram(hclust(row.dist,method="centroid")),scale="row",key=TR UE,keysize=0.60,symkey=FALSE,"none",trace="none",margins= c(5,85),cexRow=1,cexCol=1, sub=Hsub,cex.sub=1); = dev.cur());     print("Pathway Heat map done");   }#if ####  if(nrow(exp2X) == 1)   {   dotchart(exp2X);   p_t <- paste(Hsub,"Gene:",pathDEGeneNames,sep = " ");   title(sub = p_t,cex.sub = 1);;  } ##### }#pathway2heatmap ########################################################### Saurin --- On Tue, 9/1/09, Lina Cekaite <> wrote: From: Lina Cekaite <> Subject: [BioC] labRow function in KEGG2heatmap To: Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 1:10 PM Hi, I wonder if anyone has used labRow function with success in KEGG2heatmap? I want to have GeneSymbols instead of ProbeIds on a heatmap. I manage to get the heatmap with GeneSymbols by using mget function however they were missmapped and didn't match the probeIds. geneSymbl <- mget(featureNames(CRCsubset_map_Q_unique), envir=AB1700sp2SYMBOL) KEGG2heatmap("05210", CRCsubset_map_Q_unique, data = "AB1700sp2", cexRow=0.6, cexCol=1, col=map_colour, xlab="Samples", ylab="Genes", labRow=geneSymbl, ColSideColors=colr,main=paste("KEGG pathway:Colorectal cancer") ) Is there anyway that I can heatmap&geneSymbols without getting back to kegg pathway, making kegg-eset and using labRow in heatmap2? Thanks for any help. Lina     [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _______________________________________________ Bioconductor mailing list Search the archives:  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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